Donate to Help Willustrating Magazine Get Started
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Hi! We’re Willustrating Magazine, a small business run by the body and sex-positive artist Will Pearce (Willustrating).
In 2020, Willustrating began creating pen and ink nude line drawings. Over the next 4 years, these sketches expanded to digital media in the forms of jpegs and animations in a variety of styles and designs. Since then, hundreds of people around the world have been drawn, and there are four publications out right now: Willustrating Magazine Issue 1, The Vulva Project, A Colouring Book by Willustrating, and the Willustrating Magazine Special Edition.
Willustrating Magazine was intended to be a biannual publication, but due to life circumstances and lack of funding, the first issue (released in Spring 2023) stands alone. With this fundraiser we plan to establish ourself in the US through our biannual magazine releases and pop-up stores. The initial piece of the puzzle is funding and with the help of generous backers, we hope to get up and running and ultimately self-supporting. Our goal is to make enough money to do as Willustrating has always done– build a welcoming and inclusive arts community– on a larger scale than ever before.
Will Kirtley