Donate to Pierce Evans' Cubing Project in Ghana
Tax deductible
Hi my name is Pierce Evans, and I raising money to take cubing to the village of Nkenkassu in Ghana through the nonprofit, Brighter Tomorrows Today, Inc.
I began cubing because I received one as a gift for Christmas and wanted to learn how to solve it. Once I learned to solve it, I realized the many benefits. Particularly for me, I realized it was a stress reliever. While I am solving the cube, it is the only thing I can think about.
I continue to cube and am the founder and President of my school's first-ever cubing Club.
I am partnering with Brighter Tomorrows Today to teach the students in the program to cube. To that end, I am raising money for cost of the flight and accommodations, as well as to buy cubes and timers for the students and other items the students needs such a clothing and shoes. My goal is to run a cubing competition for the students at the end of my stay. I am hopeful these skills will be helpful in other aspects of their life.
Donations of any amount will be greatly appreciated. The money goes directly to the non-profit, Brighter Tomorrows Today and is therefore tax deductible.
Tennille tatum
New York, NY
Brighter Tomorrows Today Inc