Donate to Samson's Surgery Costs
Samson, our oldest wolfdog, recently had surgery for cancer of the thymus gland. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Howling Woods Farm needed to cancel farm tours, our primary source of donations. Any donation your provide will go towards paying for Samson's surgery and recovery expenses.
Samson came to us after he and his litter-mate Noah were surrendered in November 2007. He has been a Howling Woods Farm ambassador animal ever since, bringing smiles to the faces of children and adults alike while they learn about wolves during presentations at schools and libraries, and tours at the farm.
As all our visitors can attest, Samson loves attention and doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He loves to bat you with his paw as you give him head scratches and belly rubs. He has no favorites, simply unconditional love for anyone and everyone. Please help us with Samson's surgery and recovery expenses during this difficult time.