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Welcome to our fundraising platform,
'SAVING AUSTRALIAN ICONIC NATIVE TREEs' is a registered incorporated association that is dedicated to 'rescuing and re-homing' Australia’s oldest and most iconic mature Trees.
We are a Western Australian based association that is here to raise funding to save more mature Trees.
Website Link: SAINTS
"We are not traditional conservationists who seek to halt progress or mining, we don’t proclaim to be able to provide the answers to solve any political points of view around conservation. Instead, we do what needs to be done today and control what we have in our power to do with saving mature Trees. We are passionate about working within the economic system we all enjoy, but to find sustainable solutions that do not involve destroying ancient trees. If a significant ancient living tree is in the way of development of any shape or form, why bulldoze it when we can save it! Saving and re-homing it to a school or park, to re-home it is a much more respectful and beneficial approach. We believe everyone should support this cause, as it has such tangible benefit for all. Everyone always says in hind sight ‘Why didn’t someone do something!!!’ in the face of any injustice, remember: ‘YOU!!’ are somebody! You can be a part of our future Australian landscape design, exactly how it will look with mature ancient Trees still existing within it - while as a great nation we continue to make room for our urban sprawl as our population grows and our resources are mined - simply by supporting our efforts."
Saving Grass Trees for re-homing image above:
Statistically speaking Australia is still averaging around half a million hectares of clearing a per year! This equates to approximately 22, 000 acres per week or 3142 acres per day!
(Australian Conservation Foundation 2024)
While these figures put Australia toward the very top of the worlds highest cleared countries on the planet, we often believe that this is happening somewhere else. But it is unfortunately happening right here under our noses and once gone could take 1000's of years to come back if ever!
Keeping this in mind, Grass Trees are one of the slowest growing plants on the planet. It takes a Grass Tree on average approximately 20 years before it’s trunk protrudes from the ground to be visible. After this they will only grow approximately 1cm per year in trunk height. Based on these figures a Grass Tree that is then 80cm in trunk height is estimated to be 100 years old!
Our latest campaign and idea to gather more support for our cause of saving mature Trees is a pioneering fundraising effort to highlight and raise awareness to the severe devastation caused by government approved land clearing(s). This destruction is wiping out hundreds of thousands of years of growth in some of our nation's most spectacular and ancient living trees. To draw attention to this issue, we will embark on a remarkable journey: a 5,000 km Penny-farthing bicycle ride (slightly E-assisted), towing a 500-year-old Grass Tree, with support vehicles in convoy across the country from Margaret River, WA, to the Gold Coast, Queensland. By gathering support and raising awareness about the crucial role of Grass Trees, Boabs, and QLD Bottle Trees in our ecosystems, as well as their cultural significance and beauty, we hope to save these iconic Trees from being bulldozed and burned in approved land clearings. Our goal is to improve our (and predominantly Australia’s only) current rate of saving these natural wonders from less than 1% to over 30%!!
We aim to showcase this spectacle to as many Australians as possible and garner national and global media attention. Preservation of these natural wonders is crucial, and The Tree S.A.I.N.T.s believe every Australian should contribute to this cause. Saving one tree at a time, all donations will go to support our endeavors to control Australia’s future landscape design and make sure it has not only seedlings or saplings of these species we all love and admire so very much, but to ensure that it also includes the ‘mature’, fully grown up to 1000 year old versions too.
We encourage everyone to share our story, like us on our socials, follow us in any manner possible, because the more support we can get and the more awareness we can raise - will ultimately go toward the more Trees we can save!
Bulldozed pile of Grass Trees image above:
Saving Australian Iconic Native Trees Incorporated objectives and purposes:
• Raise awareness through education to the public of how many Iconic Australian Trees are being cleared by Bulldozers.
• Raise awareness through education to the everyday uses, cultural and symbolic importance that Iconic Australian Trees provided to the First Nations People.
• Raise awareness through education of the importance that Trees have to our existence on this planet, being; Trees produce oxygen, Trees reduce air pollution, Trees reduce soil erosion, Trees help regulate the water cycle, Trees provide resources and habitat for wildlife, Trees support biodiversity, Trees combat climate change, Trees help local communities through economic opportunities through employment and social benefits through common interest and well-being attributes, Trees provide benefits to Mental Health - proven to reduce stress - lower blood pressure & heart rate and Trees provide shade & cool protecting people and wildlife from harmful UV radiation.
• Save more Iconic Australian Trees from the path of approved land
clearings that are being bulldozed and burnt.
• Research into endangered Australian Tree species that are in decline and begin cultivation practices to ensure their survival.
• Re-home mature Australian Trees saved from approved land clearings back into the urban landscape, so they can be enjoyed for future generations.
• Utilize sustainable industry practices for the saving of these Iconic Australian Trees.
• Re-vegetate mature Iconic Australian Trees back into areas after approved land clearings have taken place.
• Provide saved mature Iconic Australian Trees from approved land clearings back into public areas, parks, school yards and private land to ensure their beauty can be enjoyed by everybody for many more future generations.
• Save Australian Trees to prevent further environmental harm to the planet including but not limited to; climate change, pollution, habitat destruction, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity.
For more info, click the link and check out our website below.
Website Link: SAINTS

Michael Johnson
North Fremantle, WA