Donations to help spay stray female cats
Donation protected
Have you ever found yourself thinking that SOMEONE should do SOMETHING about the stray cats you see running around? Have you ever wondered how you could help with the problem of strays, but cant actually adopt one?
Well, today is your lucky day!
If you so choose, you can help me try to clean up a cat colony in Quincy, WA.
I am focusing on trapping and spaying the females because they are the ones that create an endless cycle of birth, illness, inbreeding, and death when having multiple litters. Yes, fixing males IS cheaper, but I am going to spay the females first.
I am doing this on my own, with the help of a vet who charges $130.00 per spay (includes pain med shot, dissolvable stitches, and ear tip).
I'm tired of watching the multiple litters running around, starving, and living sad lives, not knowing how good life could be if adopted by crazy cat people! So I decided to step up and try to DO SOMETHING about it instead of waiting for someone else to do it.
Please consider helping me reach this goal, or beyond. If I meet my goal that should spay 4 cats. If this gets a lot of donations, I can help more cats in this area. I dont know how many cats are in the colony or how many females total. I just had to pick an amount and this seems doable.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for considering my cause!
And remember, when you're feeling sad, go hug a cat. (Watch the claws! Lol)

Kat Clark
Quincy, WA