Donnie's Living & Caregiver Expenses
Donation protected
Donnie, aka "The CandyMan", started his GoFundMe campaign back in May of 2016 in an attempt to raise money to buy a van. And through so many gracious donors, he was able to do so. After buying the van, Donnie decided to leave his GoFundMe account open to provide a way for people to help him electronically. Although he’s been selling candy for over 40 years in order to pay his living and 24/7 caregiver expenses, it’s never been quite enough to make ends meet.
Donnie receives little help from the government and depends solely on his candy sales and GoFundMe donations to survive. Donnie is extremely thankful for the $123K he has received since opening his account nearly seven years ago. It has provided him a little over $15K per year to help pay his expenses. And your ongoing support will enable Donnie will continue to carry on!
Currently Donnie receives no help from Medicaid due to an outstanding debt that must be paid. And it’s a significant amount. However, if the debt can be paid off, he would receive much more help from the government. More information to be advised soon about this situation through the updates!
Please note that all funds are deposited directly into Donnie's bank account since it is linked to his GoFundMe account. So, your donation is always safely delivered to Donnie.
On behalf of Donnie, thank you for all your help and support. God bless!!!
Donnie’s good friend,
Donnie Goodin
Birmingham, AL