Donor Match December #straycatbluesfufillingadream
Tax deductible
As we continue the Spirit of Giving through the holidays and remember all those who are not as fortunate, Stray Cat Blues, Inc. is grateful for donors like you to help continue the work we do to support our mission!
It's Donor Giving December, and we are fortunate to have anonymous donors pledging to match all donations to Stray Cat Blues Inc., dollar for dollar, up to $35,000 from now until December 31, 2022.
Please help us reach our goal by donating today and help us spread the word so we can place as many cats and kittens into warm and loving homes!
We will be sharing passionate and heartfelt stories of our furr-babies who were given the gift of life by the love of your donations!
Wishing you Happy Holidays and a New Year filled with Health and Happiness!
The CARES Act, passed early in 2020, offers important tax incentives for donors interested in increasing their charitable contributions before the close of 2022. Taxpayers who do not itemize can take an above the line deduction of up to $300 while those that do itemize their returns can take deductions for gifts made up to 100% of their adjusted gross income.
A Pennsylvania non-profit organization, tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Stray Cat Blues, Inc.