Don't let them take our waterways!
A firm out of New York is trying to fill in a Manatee Protection Zone near Tampa's Rocky Point Island for development. They want to turn this waterway into a residential development.
The developer is dependent upon approval from Tampa City Council on June 28. We need your help to engage a land-use attorney who can help stop this.
The attorney will be assisting a team of professionals and volunteers in preparing for and presenting at the City Council meeting. Will you please donate to this cause today?
UPDATE (5/31): If this passes, we are highly concerned about it setting a dangerous precedent and a likely domino effect throughout Tampa Bay. In fact, this may already be happening! We have heard that a new application has been discussed to change the land-use classification on another 22-acre submerged/wetland "property". We must stop this first case from setting a DANGEROUS precedent on June 28.
-- This new “property” will be created completely by filling in navigable waterways (marked with an "X" above).
-- If passed, it could create a dangerous precedent across Tampa Bay. Hundreds of privately-owned submerged parcels exist throughout the Bay along sections of Bayshore, in areas around Davis Island, south of Culbreath Isles, along the Courtney Campbell Causeway, in residential communities from the top of the Bay to Apollo Beach, and even in areas with Heavy Industrial zoning.
-- The applicant’s legal counsel pointed to projects done in the 1950s as justification for their project. This is 2018. Haven’t we progressed in our environmental thinking over the last 60 years?
READ MORE: http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/editorials/Editorial-Filling-Rocky-Point-lagoon-to-build-townhomes-is-an-empty-headed-idea_168510205
For the fill-in project to proceed, the future land use amendment must be approved at Tampa City Council on June 28, 2018. In addition to donating to our legal fund, please write your City Council Members or come speak at the public meeting .