Doubling our Impact - Build a Healthier Generation
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Last year with your help, we surpassed our $10,000 goal. These funds were crucial for supporting P.R.E.P. and K(NO)W Beyond programs in underserved communities. This year, we aim to double the number of public schools we reach, but we can't do it without your continued support. Every contribution helps us provide essential mental health informed education to ALL youth. Join us in giving children the education they deserve.
Well Beyond Academics, Inc is a 501 (c) 3 committed to normalizing and destigmatizing the realities and experiences of today's youth. WBA partners with schools and communities to provide comprehensive sexuality programming, mental health curriculum, substance use education, and suicide prevention to faculty, students, and their families. With the delivery of dynamic, innovative, mental health infused, curriculum WBA strives to build a healthier generation one community at a time.
Well Beyond Academics, Inc