Dr. Richard Alan Miller Book Fund
Noted physicist, agricultural expert, metaphysician and author, Dr. Richard Alan Miller has 10 new books he is writing, to get into print and out into the world. With the help of your kind donations**, these publications are being released and more are underway!
Check the website at www.richardalanmiller.com for new and existing books and audios, and benefit from his great mind, learning and wisdom in several fields of interest.
IMPORTANT! Please choose to buy Dr. Richard Alan Miller's books ONLY from his own site, (richardalanmiller.com) as in recent years he has suffered the loss of more and more of his book sales income (his primary means of support) to unscrupulous piracy, with non-genuine copies of his books being printed and sold.
If you enjoyed previous titles such as "ESP Induction Through Forms of Self-Hypnosis" and "Power Tools for the 21st Century", then you'll certainly want to read the third book in this trilogy, "The Non-Local Mind," which is among the 10 being readied for publication.
Please do ~ Donate now. We thank you and very much appreciate your supporting Dr. Richard Alan Miller's dedicated and focused work for the benefit of many.
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Twitter: docramcom
website: www.richardalanmiller.com