Dr. Scott Thomas Becker
Dr. Scott Thomas Becker passed unexpectedly on Monday September 21, 2020 at age 40. Scott leaves behind his loving wife Kathryn (Kate) Becker and their two dogs Pickles and Bucket. Scott was a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, spending his career working at Bremen Animal Hospital and most recently at Idexx. Scott was undeniably dedicated to his patients and their families, giving them the best care he possibly could, it was his passion in life. As much as he loved his patients and his dog nieces, Lily and Phoebe, they loved him even more. Both Scott and Kate spent their 9 years together dedicated to caring for their patients (Kate is a Critical Care Nurse Practitioner). It was a dream of theirs to open an animal rescue together one day. In lieu of flowers/food, please consider donating to help Kate and the Becker/Ziegler families to make this dream a reality. We want Scott’s memory to live on as well as his love for animals. If you are unable to donate, please share this link and please pray for Kate and the Becker/Ziegler families as they cope with unimaginable loss.
We will miss Scott’s million dollars smile, curly hair and superb dances moves, but they
certainly will never be forgotten.
He will forever be our Pookie.