Draculis - Video game prototype
Hello! My name is Flavius Sorin POPEANGA and I'm a budding indie game developper.
I started the development of small video game alone 5 months ago, called Draculis. It is a Dark Fantasy game where a team of 3 players will battle their way through the forsaken city of Normorden to defeat the fiends of Hell that started roaming Earth anew!
For a more complete pitch of the game, I linked here the pdf I wrote for EpicGames: Draculis Pitch
I begun this campaign because I find myself in quite the predicament:
Currently the game is NOT advanced enough to lauch a fully fledged crowd-funding campaign, but my finances do not allow me to continue the development of the game.
-I currently work alone on the project ( the prototype was built in 5 months ) but I need at least 1 concept artist and 1 sound designer to work with me because my skills in the respective domains are too limited( or inexistent ), but cannot I afford to hire anyone.
-I need to continue to pay the licenses of the various softwares used to develop the game ( Adobe Suite, Substance Designer, etc ) and, of course, the expenses of life...
I, therefore, come asking for your help to gather enough funds to finish a proper Alpha for the game in the next 6 months and start pitching the games to producers to finish the game. It will allow me to work full time on the project with a sound designer, to commission a few art pieces to a real Concept Artist, and purchase a Zbrush licence and a Huion Tablet to bring the assets to a level of quality expected of a retail product.
THIS IS NOT THE PROPER CROWD FUNDING CAMPAIGN OF THE GAME! However, if you pledge 20 dollars to my project, I WILL provide you with a digital copy of the game once it is finished; it's the very least I can do.
(Complete playthrough of the Prototype:)
Words can hardly describe how gratefull I am to anyone allowing me to get that little closer to my dream of being a game designer!
I remain at your disposition for any further information you might require!
Respectfully, Flavius Sorin POPEANGA