Dragan Stanojkovic
Donation protected
Dragi drugari zeli da Vas zamolim da pomognemo koliko je ko u mogucnost. Nazalost Draganovo stanje se pogorsalo imao je problem sa srcem operisan je. Zbog gangrene morali su da mu odstrane i drugu nogu.
Zbog svega ovoga pomoc mu je potrebna da bi mu koliko toliko olaksali zivot.
Hvala Vam
Dear friends, I would like to ask you to help as much as possible. Unfortunately, Dragan's condition worsened, he had a heart problem and underwent surgery. Due to gangrene, they had to remove his other leg as well.
Because of all this, he needs help to make his life as easy as possible.
Thank you
Predrag Radisavljevic
Palos Hills, IL