Dream Life TV & Thee MarQuee Music +
Tax deductible
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money for Discover and Live Your Dream Life TV subsidiary of Witness Performing Arts, Inc. (WPA) and Thee MarQuee Music +; any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much.
More information about Discover and Live Your Dream Life (subsidiary of WPA) & Thee MarQuee Music +: An on demand TV platform for success driven individuals, businesses and entrepreneurs that utilize 7 life balancing components to live a life of extraordinary passion & purpose... Your Dream Life! Thee MarQuee Music + focuses on Indie Artists music, video's and more... giving these ambitious artist entrepreneurs and business innovators a platform to spread their content, products and services globally.
More information about Discover and Live Your Dream Life (subsidiary of WPA) & Thee MarQuee Music +: An on demand TV platform for success driven individuals, businesses and entrepreneurs that utilize 7 life balancing components to live a life of extraordinary passion & purpose... Your Dream Life! Thee MarQuee Music + focuses on Indie Artists music, video's and more... giving these ambitious artist entrepreneurs and business innovators a platform to spread their content, products and services globally.
MarQue Munday
Las Vegas, NV
Witness Performing Arts, Inc