Drew's Heart Surgery
Over the last year, our amazing friend/loved one/favorite Selena fan Drew has been struggling with not feeling well. Simple fatigue, leg pains, and more alarmingly chest pain turned into an unexpected diagnosis that Drew and Shanleigh were presented with several weeks ago--Aortic Valve Insufficiency. In order to alleviate Drew's symptoms and stop the progression of his condition into full blown heart failure, his doctors have recommended that Drew have a open heart surgery in an attempt to fix or replace Drew's Aortic Valve.
In the interim since his diagnosis, the medications that Drew has been on in order to prepare him for surgery have left him virtually unable to work. Coupled with the speedy surgery time and lengthy recovery period that will leave Drew unable to work for 1-3 months, the Hills are facing a massively unexpected financial burden right before their first child is expected in January. Please consider helping them in any way possible. We will be posting updates on Drew's surgery, which is scheduled for 10:00 am August 8th at Billings Clinic, as well as a link to a "meal train" page to help them out at home after Drew is discharged from the hospital.
Thank you so much and God Bless.
Drew's Team
Meal Train https://mealtrain.com/o6ddvd