Drill a Well for a Masaai School in Tanzania
Tax deductible
In the shadow of Mount Meru, lies a region called Oldonyosambu—near Arusha, Tanzania. This is a community of Masaai people who don't have easy access to education. There is a school with 650 students and 12 teachers that don't have access to water. This area is extremely dry for great portions of the year and the children have to walk long distances without food or water.
There was a well on this property previously that was hand-dug by the parents, but the well was not deep enough and has since dried up, however, there are water tanks already on the property ready to be filled with clean water.
To drill a well in this rocky area is expensive and we need to work around the rainy season to schedule drilling. Collectively we can help these kids have clean water and an education. Keeping these kids in school prevents early marriages in a culture that places a child's value and security in marriage--children as young as 10 years old! Education also provides more opportunities for these children to make a living and a future for themselves and to dream bigger dreams than they knew possible.
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Fundraising team (2)

Lauren Lombard
Minneapolis, MN
Educare Now

Dylan Ramirez
Team member