Farmer Gregie's Bridge The Gap
Donation protected
G'day - Farmer Gregie here.
The Dairy Industry in Australia, and in many other places around the world, is on its knees. Fresh Milk has been devalued by corporate giants to the point where some milk is cheaper to purchase than bottled water, despite costing a whole lot more to produce. There are examples of local dairy communities decimated, with farming families having to walk away from their farms, their homes and livelihoods.
Yet this has a wider impact on all of us - our food security. The future availability of locally produced fresh milk is in jeopardy. With fewer dairy farmers able to sustain a living, there will be less fresh milk produced. Some states in Australia are already importing enormous volumes of fresh milk to meet demand.
I have to speak out about this! Dairy farming runs deep in my veins - the Dennis family have been dairy farming since the 1800's. Even my Nan grew up on her family farm before marrying a dairy farmer - and so did my Mum! We consider it a privilege to produce and supply farm gate fresh, minimally processed milk to consumers.
I'm just one farmer out to make a difference. Crazy? Maybe - but I'm going to put my heart and soul into this and I need your help.
Join me on a campaign to change consumer decisions back in favour of local, family owned dairy farms - and away from the multinationals. In doing so, you'll help prevent more farmers going under, and ensure locally produced fresh milk is still available for our kids in the future.
The Campaign
I believe the gap between city and country has become wider. Fewer people work the land due to technological advances. Supermarkets offer aisles of plastic wrapped 'foods'. Milk is sold in white plastic bottles - there is no connection to the farmer who produces the milk. Consumers buy cheap milk without any sense of the effort that has gone into producing it.
I'd love to take back some control from the multinationals and educate consumers through two documentaries about the true value of fresh milk - and the effort, resources and commitment that goes into its production. I do believe that by creating awareness about milk production, we will together be building a social conscience that will bring about change.
I'm taking my message to the people of Northern New South Wales and Queensland. The funding we are hopeful of raising is to enable us to capture my journey in documentary style, and spread my message far beyond the small number of people we will meet on the road. For this work we have enlisted the expertise and services Boomi Films.
Of critical value also is the educational component. We will create two documentaries about the importance of animal health and welfare, the production of milk and its value to society. One will be aimed at kids - 'The Life of a Dairy Cow', and the other at older kids/adults 'Sustainable Food Production in the 21st Century'.
What We Need & What You Get
We need to act now. I won't be chasing government funding or corporate endorsements. I'm putting my hopes in people power.
We would like to raise $300,000 to complete the filming of a series of events, road-trips, and educational documentaries over the coming eight months - in Queensland and New South Wales, and if possible, New Orleans - USA, where I'll be speaking at the 2016 International Dairy Meet. My time and effort will be provided free of charge. VIE Marketing, the company who helped launch Scenic Rim 4Real Milk, and Boomi Films - are providing their time at reduced rates.
If our target is not fully achieved we will still have the opportunity to document the most important elements of our overall project. As mentioned, regardless of the outcome, I will still be doing the road trips and speaking at International Dairy Meet - I just hope we can do the documentaries so I can spread my message further!
We fully intend to take you on this crazy ride and communicate with you along the way. Short video clips will be uploaded regularly to the 'Farmer Gregie' Youtube Channel as we go - so you can even get your kids involved! Then we will invite you to share our journey and message by attending a launch screening, or buying a copy of the documentaries - or coming onto our farm to say G'day!
The Impact
I will continue to speak out about the devastation being inflicted on the dairy industry by the corporate giants, most of which appear to be solely driven by their bottom line. I care about producing fresh, high quality milk that can be sold locally. I want your kids to be able to buy fresh milk for their kids - from a local farmer, not trucked or shipped from 1,000's of kilometres away.
It's crazy to think that a single farmer can make a difference. Maybe I can't - but with your help, my voice will become your voice and we will share it with the world.
Family farms matter. Fresh food matters. The little bloke matters. A future with real milk matters.
Risks & Challenges
Many thought we took a huge risk in 2013, to break away from the security of our Internationally owned Milk Processing Company, and invest more than $1 Million in our own factory. Retailer after retailer assured us that 4Real Milk would not sell at the price we required...but they were prepared to take a punt on us. Our three biggest stockists today were amongst the doubters.
Truth be known - the only risk we took was on you, the consumer! I prefer to think of it as a leap of faith...for which we are rewarded every day we stay alive in business. A heart felt THANK YOU is definitely in order! I knew you would come through - the desire for real milk, farm gate fresh, direct to local stores is too strong.
Are you ready to take a risk on us - with us? Perhaps a leap of faith, that you will have helped reconnect our farmers with the consumers they produce food for? And in doing so, change purchasing decisions to ensure fresh, locally produced milk by family farms, remains a part of our kid's future.
Other Ways You Can Help
Since the GFC, it's been a tough road for many of us, as individuals, families and businesses. I totally understand and respect the fact that you may not be in a position to support this project financially. There is every chance however that you may absolutely love what we're doing, and what we will achieve.
You may have family members, close friends or associates who are better positioned to help and would want to - if only they knew. Please share with your networks, through Social Media or community groups - by email or text. It's as easy as starting a simple conversation and stimulating interest. We could not even put a dollar value on that kind of help!
The Dairy Industry in Australia, and in many other places around the world, is on its knees. Fresh Milk has been devalued by corporate giants to the point where some milk is cheaper to purchase than bottled water, despite costing a whole lot more to produce. There are examples of local dairy communities decimated, with farming families having to walk away from their farms, their homes and livelihoods.
Yet this has a wider impact on all of us - our food security. The future availability of locally produced fresh milk is in jeopardy. With fewer dairy farmers able to sustain a living, there will be less fresh milk produced. Some states in Australia are already importing enormous volumes of fresh milk to meet demand.
I have to speak out about this! Dairy farming runs deep in my veins - the Dennis family have been dairy farming since the 1800's. Even my Nan grew up on her family farm before marrying a dairy farmer - and so did my Mum! We consider it a privilege to produce and supply farm gate fresh, minimally processed milk to consumers.
I'm just one farmer out to make a difference. Crazy? Maybe - but I'm going to put my heart and soul into this and I need your help.
Join me on a campaign to change consumer decisions back in favour of local, family owned dairy farms - and away from the multinationals. In doing so, you'll help prevent more farmers going under, and ensure locally produced fresh milk is still available for our kids in the future.
The Campaign
I believe the gap between city and country has become wider. Fewer people work the land due to technological advances. Supermarkets offer aisles of plastic wrapped 'foods'. Milk is sold in white plastic bottles - there is no connection to the farmer who produces the milk. Consumers buy cheap milk without any sense of the effort that has gone into producing it.
I'd love to take back some control from the multinationals and educate consumers through two documentaries about the true value of fresh milk - and the effort, resources and commitment that goes into its production. I do believe that by creating awareness about milk production, we will together be building a social conscience that will bring about change.
I'm taking my message to the people of Northern New South Wales and Queensland. The funding we are hopeful of raising is to enable us to capture my journey in documentary style, and spread my message far beyond the small number of people we will meet on the road. For this work we have enlisted the expertise and services Boomi Films.
Of critical value also is the educational component. We will create two documentaries about the importance of animal health and welfare, the production of milk and its value to society. One will be aimed at kids - 'The Life of a Dairy Cow', and the other at older kids/adults 'Sustainable Food Production in the 21st Century'.
What We Need & What You Get
We need to act now. I won't be chasing government funding or corporate endorsements. I'm putting my hopes in people power.
We would like to raise $300,000 to complete the filming of a series of events, road-trips, and educational documentaries over the coming eight months - in Queensland and New South Wales, and if possible, New Orleans - USA, where I'll be speaking at the 2016 International Dairy Meet. My time and effort will be provided free of charge. VIE Marketing, the company who helped launch Scenic Rim 4Real Milk, and Boomi Films - are providing their time at reduced rates.
If our target is not fully achieved we will still have the opportunity to document the most important elements of our overall project. As mentioned, regardless of the outcome, I will still be doing the road trips and speaking at International Dairy Meet - I just hope we can do the documentaries so I can spread my message further!
We fully intend to take you on this crazy ride and communicate with you along the way. Short video clips will be uploaded regularly to the 'Farmer Gregie' Youtube Channel as we go - so you can even get your kids involved! Then we will invite you to share our journey and message by attending a launch screening, or buying a copy of the documentaries - or coming onto our farm to say G'day!
The Impact
I will continue to speak out about the devastation being inflicted on the dairy industry by the corporate giants, most of which appear to be solely driven by their bottom line. I care about producing fresh, high quality milk that can be sold locally. I want your kids to be able to buy fresh milk for their kids - from a local farmer, not trucked or shipped from 1,000's of kilometres away.
It's crazy to think that a single farmer can make a difference. Maybe I can't - but with your help, my voice will become your voice and we will share it with the world.
Family farms matter. Fresh food matters. The little bloke matters. A future with real milk matters.
Risks & Challenges
Many thought we took a huge risk in 2013, to break away from the security of our Internationally owned Milk Processing Company, and invest more than $1 Million in our own factory. Retailer after retailer assured us that 4Real Milk would not sell at the price we required...but they were prepared to take a punt on us. Our three biggest stockists today were amongst the doubters.
Truth be known - the only risk we took was on you, the consumer! I prefer to think of it as a leap of faith...for which we are rewarded every day we stay alive in business. A heart felt THANK YOU is definitely in order! I knew you would come through - the desire for real milk, farm gate fresh, direct to local stores is too strong.
Are you ready to take a risk on us - with us? Perhaps a leap of faith, that you will have helped reconnect our farmers with the consumers they produce food for? And in doing so, change purchasing decisions to ensure fresh, locally produced milk by family farms, remains a part of our kid's future.
Other Ways You Can Help
Since the GFC, it's been a tough road for many of us, as individuals, families and businesses. I totally understand and respect the fact that you may not be in a position to support this project financially. There is every chance however that you may absolutely love what we're doing, and what we will achieve.
You may have family members, close friends or associates who are better positioned to help and would want to - if only they knew. Please share with your networks, through Social Media or community groups - by email or text. It's as easy as starting a simple conversation and stimulating interest. We could not even put a dollar value on that kind of help!
Gregie Dennis
Chinghee Creek, QLD