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This is Jessie. She’s been my best friend since we were young and I was the new kid in school. She’s fun and sweet, and funny, and 1 of the strongest women I know. I told her I wanted to write this and made her promise to include it and then I promised to share it. 3 months ago she was diagnosed with cancer. Every day I checked in on her after her doctors’ appointments waiting to hear the news; what stage, and how long? The thing I’ve never heard from her yet is “Why me?” In fact, with not horrible yet still not a great prognosis, she has already completed radiation and is about to start chemo. Her will is strong. She’s following doctors’ instructions and taking responsibility for her health. I’m in awe of her grit and humbled by the fact that there’s very little I can do to really help her, or heal her, wondering if I would be so brave and courageous if I were in her shoes? Being reminded again just how amazing she is and grateful I am to call her friend.
During her treatments, which were 5 days a week, she could not work. She received disability, but it did not even cover her mortgage. She doesn’t come from money nor a big family. She was making ends meet, but now has depleted her savings and does not have enough to cover mortgage, medicine, and dog food. She doesn’t want to ask, so I am asking for her. That’s what friends do, right? So please; even if just as little as $5.00, if everyone reading this could give just that amount (or whatever is in your heart) and share this post, what a miracle that would be?!?!?! And how cool to be a part of it!!??
It reminds me of the story of the grandparent and child walking along the beach one day, where hundreds of starfish had washed ashore. The grandparent picked up a starfish and threw it back into the ocean, and then did it again and again along their walk. The child, seeing the countless starfish along the shore, asked, “What difference can we make? We can’t throw them all back,” and the grandparent, picking up another starfish, before throwing it back into the ocean, replied, “It makes a world of difference for this one.” Similarly, if you know Jessie, or someone who currently or previously battled cancer, or in honor of your best friend, or if you like dogs, or starfish, or someone dear to you is named Jessie, or simply because you’ve read this far, PLEASE hit DONATE below, even just $5.00 can be your starfish that makes a world of difference. Thank you so very much!
Hi my name is Jessica. I have stage 3 rectal cancer. After going to my primary doctor a couple of times and him not finding anything wrong. In May I finally got to the hospital where they found the tumor that was the cause of my pain and the symptoms that I had been having. Since then it has been hectic with my treatments and doctors appointments. I just finished 28 treatments of radiation and taking the chemo pill. Next I have four months of iv chemo. During this time I am unable to work. I am receiving disability but disability is maxed out at $170 per week. That doesn't cover my mortgage or bills. I have gone through my savings. I decided to ask for help when I realized that I wasn't going to be able to pay my mortgage or car payment next month. The money donated will be used to pay bills for the next couple of months until I can work again.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Jessica Samiel
Binghamton, NY