TWRC "Project Warm to Wild Again 2019"
Tax deductible

If you have been following TWRC, you may know that we care for hundreds of baby animals in the busy spring, summer and fall nesting seasons. These animals come to us for a variety of reasons; injuries, often due to interaction with humans and predators (including domestic cats and dogs), weather-related displacement from the nest and separation due to death or injury of the parent(s), to name a few.
We often care for these little lives from infancy to release and they will typically require accommodations in various types of rehab enclosures as they grow and learn the skills needed to survive again in the wild.
With over 700 wildlife admissions in the first quarter of 2019, our onsite Animal Care Program is currently caring for nearly 200 young squirrels and opossums. We are seeking assistance to fund additional equipment and caging to help in the earliest and latest stages of the rehabilitation process.
Each animal admitted will undergo a thorough examination to assess for injuries, illness and dehydration. The very first step in rehab care is to provide warmth and hydration. For most infants and young juveniles, this warming process will require a period of time in an incubator. Our program is in need of 3 additional incubators to allow space for more animals in this initial stage of care.
Once the juveniles are fully-furred and able to maintain their own body heat, they will be moved, in small groups, to wire caging in our onsite Animal Care Program. This type of enclosure will be used for several weeks during the formula-feeding stage and through the weaning process.
After the weaning is complete and the older juveniles are at an appropriate weight, they will require a period of days or weeks in pre-release outdoor conditioning caging before returning to the wild. This step allows the animals to hone their foraging and climbing skills, as well as give experience in the sights and sounds of the outdoors. We are also in great need of additional outdoor caging for this important step in successful rehab. We would like to purchase the supplies needed to construct an additional 6 large outdoor pre-release cages.
Our goal for this campaign is to:
Purchase 3 incubators at $900 each=$2700
Purchase supplies for 6 outdoor cages at $500 each=$3000
Total expenses=$5700
A donation of any size will bring us closer to meeting this goal and funding this project. With your generous assistance, we can take even more animals in need from Warm to Wild Again!
Thank you for caring for wildlife!

If you have been following TWRC, you may know that we care for hundreds of baby animals in the busy spring, summer and fall nesting seasons. These animals come to us for a variety of reasons; injuries, often due to interaction with humans and predators (including domestic cats and dogs), weather-related displacement from the nest and separation due to death or injury of the parent(s), to name a few.
We often care for these little lives from infancy to release and they will typically require accommodations in various types of rehab enclosures as they grow and learn the skills needed to survive again in the wild.
With over 700 wildlife admissions in the first quarter of 2019, our onsite Animal Care Program is currently caring for nearly 200 young squirrels and opossums. We are seeking assistance to fund additional equipment and caging to help in the earliest and latest stages of the rehabilitation process.
Each animal admitted will undergo a thorough examination to assess for injuries, illness and dehydration. The very first step in rehab care is to provide warmth and hydration. For most infants and young juveniles, this warming process will require a period of time in an incubator. Our program is in need of 3 additional incubators to allow space for more animals in this initial stage of care.
Once the juveniles are fully-furred and able to maintain their own body heat, they will be moved, in small groups, to wire caging in our onsite Animal Care Program. This type of enclosure will be used for several weeks during the formula-feeding stage and through the weaning process.
After the weaning is complete and the older juveniles are at an appropriate weight, they will require a period of days or weeks in pre-release outdoor conditioning caging before returning to the wild. This step allows the animals to hone their foraging and climbing skills, as well as give experience in the sights and sounds of the outdoors. We are also in great need of additional outdoor caging for this important step in successful rehab. We would like to purchase the supplies needed to construct an additional 6 large outdoor pre-release cages.
Our goal for this campaign is to:
Purchase 3 incubators at $900 each=$2700
Purchase supplies for 6 outdoor cages at $500 each=$3000
Total expenses=$5700
A donation of any size will bring us closer to meeting this goal and funding this project. With your generous assistance, we can take even more animals in need from Warm to Wild Again!
Thank you for caring for wildlife!
Jeannie Gee
Houston, TX
Houston Humane Society Wildlife Center