412 Food Rescue
Tax deductible
10/27/2023 - Lighthouse Electric Dress Down Day - Casual Friday, Lighthouse Apparel, T-shirts, Shorts, hoodies, etc. (if you don't have any Lighthouse gear, see Nate Sprowls or your manager)
Rescue, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about 412 Food Rescue: 412 Food Rescue was founded as a direct response to the fact that 40 percent off all the food produced is wasted while 1 in 7 are food insecure. To further complicate this issue and add another dimension to the problem, food waste is the single largest component in landfills and one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions.
412 Food Rescue recognized this problem as an opportunity that can be approached with an innovative logistical solution that pairs technology with civic engagement.
frank casertano
Canonsburg, PA
412 Food Rescue