Dustin Harmon Funeral Fund
On June 9th, 2020 we lost my father Dustin Todd Harmon to suicide at the age of 45. He leaves behind 5 children, ages 23-1. I’m asking for donations to help cover the funeral, & cremation costs, as well as the costs to have his body brought home to Oklahoma, from Arkansas.
Due to his death being caused by suicide his life insurance policy will not cover any expenses.So we ask for help from friends & family so that we can properly put my father to rest, in Oklahoma where he grew up, & raised his children. If you’d like to make a more direct donation you can call Chris Whinery at [phone redacted] to speak with on donating towards his cremation, & bringing him home to Oklahoma.
Thank you for everyone who donated to my fathers funeral fund. We have accomplished our goalbetween gofundme & private donations to the funeral home to be able to put my father to rest.