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Džamija Azizija Bosanska Kostajnica

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Džamija Azizija u Bosanskoj Kostajnici je najveća džamija u manjem entitetu u BiH.
Njena ponovna izgradnja,nakon što je u potpunosti srušena i uništena 1992.godine,je trajala pet godina (2003-2008).Izgradnja je koštala oko milion konvertibilnih maraka.Džamija se nalazi u dijelu Bosanske Kostajnice zvanom Užice i prva je džamija kada se ulazi u BiH iz EU (Hrvatske) sa graničnog prelaza u Hrvatskoj Kostajnici.Često je posjećena od putnika koji svraćaju na molitvu kao i turista.Ima troja velika ulazna drvena vrata napravljena od hrastovine.
Protokom vremena,uslijed uticaja kiše,snijega i sunca jer nisu bila zaštićena prvobitnim projektom (kasnije je urađena streha na preulazu) vrata su poprilično propala i nisu više adekvatna za samu džamiju zbog sigurnosti i estetike.
Medžlis islamske zajednice u Bosanskoj Kostajnici je pokrenuo akciju prikupljanja dobrovoljnih priloga i donacija za kupovinu novih (pvc) vrata koja će biti dugotrajno rješenje.Prema predračunu firme PVC i ALU Horozović iz Sanskog Mosta,izrada i ugradnja novih pvc vrata za džamiju Aziziju će koštati 14.634,31 KM (oko 8.000,00 $)
Pozivamo naše džematlije i sve ljude dobre volje koji su voljni da uvakufe svoja sredstva za nova vrata na našoj džamiji da se uključe i pomognu nam u realizaciji ovog projekta koji je za naš mali džemat veliki,i nismo ga sami u stanju isfinansirati.
S poštovanjem i mahsuz selamom iz Bosanske Kostajnice

Predsjednik IO Medžlisa Bosanska Kostajnica:
Irfan Dugonjić

The Azizija Mosque in Bosanska Kostajnica is the largest mosque in a smaller entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Its reconstruction, after it was completely demolished and destroyed in 1992, lasted five years (2003-2008). The construction cost about one million BH marks.The mosque is located in the part of Bosanska Kostajnica called 'Užice" and is the first Mosque when entering Bosnia and Herzegovina from the EU (Croatia) from the border crossing in Croatia Kostajnica. It is often visited by travelers who come to pray as well as tourists. It has three large wooden entrance doors made of oak.Over time, due to the influence of rain, snow and sun because they were not protected by the original project, the door has deteriorated and is no longer adequate for the mosque itself due to safety and aesthetics.
The Majlis of the Islamic community in Bosanska Kostajnica has launched a campaign to collect voluntary contributions and donations for the purchase of new (pvc) doors, which will be a long-term solution.According to the estimate of the company PVC and ALU Horozović from Sanski Most, the production and installation of new PVC doors for the Azizi Mosque will cost 14,634.31 KM (about $8,000.00).We invite our congregants and all people of good will who are willing to donate their funds for new doors at our mosque to get involved and help us in the realization of this project, which is a big one for our small congregation, and we are not able to finance it by ourselves.
With respect and selam from Bosanska Kostajnica

President of the Board of Directors of Bosanska Kostajnica:
Irfan Dugonjic



  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 2 mos
  • Dzana Kljajic
    • $140
    • 2 yrs
  • Almina Hrustic
    • $60
    • 2 yrs
  • Zehra Mesic
    • $200
    • 2 yrs
  • Enis I Hajrija Biogradlija
    • $100
    • 2 yrs


Emina-Dzana Biogradlija
Sterling Heights, MI

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