Lift Lori's Load
Thanks to Kevin Ferreira for creating this account to help Lori. At the end of her story is a list of her monthly goals and needs. Please view "update" tab for recent news.
First photo: 7/21
Photo: 12/21
photo: a few years ago Lori with her dog, Romeo
This is Lori. In 2004 she was hired as a hospital chaplain - work Lori was made for because she loves to serve, minister and bless. (below - officiating at a wedding)
BUT In 2006, while working as a Home Care chaplain, Lori had a fall, resulting in a concussion, along with a series of accidents, infections, toxic reaction to Cipro, and medical malpractice. It left her with poly-neuropathy, dystonia and ataxia (involuntary body movements). Medical diagnosis in 2007 revealed she had a damaged cerebellum and brain stem.
Two doctors provided therapy techniques and medication suggestions that have helped Lori survive since then. She was able to continue working as a chaplain in Florida due to high doses of nerve-targeted nutraceuticals, which are not covered by insurance. In 2014, she had an allergic reaction to prescribed meds while trying to combat bronchitis which resulted in further nerve damage. As of a result of several setbacks and being unable to work, she lost her job as Director of Chaplain Services in October, 2015. That November, she fell into a door causing another severe concussion. Then, she slipped on the ice in January. Lori has now been homebound/bedbound since the fall of 2015.
(This video from 2017 shows some effects of the polyneuropathy, dystonia and ataxia from damage to cerebellum, brain stem, and spine)
As of November, 2018, these are Lori's symptoms:
Dysautonomia. Sensory, motor, autonomic neuropathy. Balance issues; stagger frequently. Walked hunched over. Unable to stand in one place for long. Falls into doorways and walls. Posterior-anterior oscillations. Rock back and forth when standing. Tendency to fall to one side, usually the left. Unsteady gait. Stumbles easily. Frequent dizziness. Nystagmus. Looking at patterns or moving objects make eyes blink rapidly. Sometimes eyelids so heavy they close automatically. Difficult to open eyes, as if eyelids are stuck. Can’t read for more than a few minutes. Difficulty watching video or TV. Right pupil larger and dilated. Sensitivity to sounds and noise. Spasticity. Muscular weakness in both arms. Unable to lift items more than a couple pounds without falling or becoming hunched over, very weak and in pain. Muscles in legs bunched in hard lumps; muscles in arms turned outward. Hypertonia in arms, legs, chest, back; muscles get so rigid that that vomiting occurs if she overexerts. Breathlessness, panting with slightest exertion due to rigid muscles and neuropathy. Agonizing neuropathic pain in face, chest, back, neck and arms. Nerves and muscles are pulled over to the left. Difficulty breathing because nerves and muscles in nose damaged, Due to muscles and nerves in mouth damaged, difficulty pronouncing “r’s” “w’s” and “l’s” particularly when not on meds or under stress. Difficulty swallowing liquids. Choke and vomit easily. Food sometimes gets stuck in throat, particularly if not on meds, Can’t drive or be driven in vehicle. Extremely motion sensitive. Extreme sensitivity to cold, heat, movement, light, and sound. React strongly to certain spices, food additives. Stiffness and cramping in hand; left arm often curled up next to chest, held rigid at times. Hair loss on both arms due to nerve damage. Extreme fatigue constantly. Must rest on left side in bed for a couple hours after walking more than 5-10 minutes or standing for long (right side is too sensitive to lie on). Spend majority of day in bed.
Lori is single and has no family support of any kind. With no income beyond a small disability payment for food, rent, utilities or life-saving meds that help reduce pain and help Lori swallow, stand up, balance, see, etc., it’s NOT hard to see the desperate predicament Lori is in.
For over 2 years, Lori awaited Social Security Disability. Despite medical records, she was initially denied and so awaited a court hearing. She hired disability lawyers, who work on contingency. Her disability hearing was set for June 5, 2018. She was approved but they only
awarded about $900 a month. After tithe,
she has $800 to live on. That is it. That is all
she has to live on.
She cannot get unemployment because she can’t go out to seek work. She's tried everything and all the local charity and government agencies, but because she is too young, doesn’t have children, etc, she is not eligible for many forms of assistance.
In her own words: “Living alone [being unable to connect with others to serve]… mostly bedbound, trying to survive all this, is mentally and physically excruciating beyond words. I have come close to losing faith, yet I will not, for Christ is all I have. I believe I will heal and be able to return to work at some point, but desperately need medications [unfortunately they cannot be covered by insurance]. I have fought hard to recover and will continue so I may minister to others. I just need help for the time it takes me to stabilize.”
In spite of all of this, Lori selflessly reaches out to bless others: “One morning, my dog Romeo and I were headed home after watching otters fall off logs while eating their fishy breakfast. I started feeling weak and dizzy and needed to rest [walking takes a LOT of effort]. I saw a girl across the street with her dog Lacie, and was impressed to say hi. I asked if she, a military vet who suffers from PTSD and is now studying nursing, would like to come in.
She apologized for sharing her struggles, but I told her I had been a chaplain and counselor. Her eyes lit up. The floodgates opened. And a miracle occurred.
She shared many things… I was able to do a lot of listening, a lot of encouraging, a little questioning, and a lot of caring eye contact. So much pain. So many challenges. So much hurt caused by other hurting people. So much need for knowing who God is. Tears flowed often and two canine co-counselors team-loved her. Lacie licked tears from her face on one side and Romeo on the other.
It was just what she needed – lots of love. At the end, I prayed with her; gave her a pack of beautiful photos with Bible verses and some beautiful pamphlets. She said she desperately needed someone to talk to; said she knew God had led us to meet and so thankful I invited her in to talk.
God knew my background could be used to bless her.”
Lori – a broken, dependent woman is willing to bring healing to others though she desperately needs help. She considers herself blessed to be used in spite of herself. This is Lori’s heart.
Because Lori knows God has been gracious to her she pays it forward. She can’t help herself.
I wish I could do more for this selfless woman, who goes out of her way to help and bless others. She is a wonderful person with a heart for service. We need more people like this in our hurting world. Talking to her makes me want to help her more and more.
(With friends who brought Lori food)
If this does not give you a glimpse of the good heart this woman has, I’m not sure anything will.
I’m raising money for Lori.
Might you Share it?
Lori really appreciates you sharing her story here on GoFundMe (GFM) with your friends by email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and in person. BTW, according to GFM, a personal invitation to contribute is 34 x more likely to result in a donation.
She needs to raise a total of $2800 a month for rent, food, living expenses, utilities, doctor, medications/supplements, which are not covered by insurance and run a minimum of $1,600 each month.
It can easily be done if a number of people commit to a regular monthly amount, even of $25.
If Lori is able to cover her rent by the 4th of each month, she can avoid the $100 late fee and $200 eviction fees. As well as the toll it takes on her already fragile mind and body due to the concern of being homeless. Makes cents :-)
Might you kindly spread the word so she can reach the next interim goal so she may focus on getting well? Every little bit helps! As word spreads - we can easily do it :-)
Imagine how draining it must be in her condition, to still have the fear of monthly eviction or to not have the nutraceuticals she needs for her body to function and heal.
Truly, believe - all Lori needs is one little break. Hopefully with your help, we can give it to her.
Please help this woman get back to normal life.I can’t imagine her staying alive if evicted into the outside or unable to get her medications (nutraceuticals.)
Any little bit will help.