Help A Family In Need
It is with a heavy heart and great sadness, I’m sharing that our dear friend’s father has passed away unexpectedly within a matter of 15 hours
Yaakov Yehuda Ben Shlomo
May his neshama have an Aliyah
At the age of 55, he is survived by his wife and three children. These times are difficult, especially for this family while they are trying to navigate through this unknown territory. If there’s anything we can do as people, by helping out with the levaya, with meals, with pesach and other necessities that the father used to take care of, then that is a great deed. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Everything counts to help this amazing family, and not just for now, but for the future as well to help them get back on their feet
May we only share only in smachot BeH.