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This fundraiser is organize by Dalya Aldali ( The Aunt of all this lovely childrens) and ( sister of Sabreen and Naheel)
to see all my family stories and photos just visit my Tiktok account

Hi, it me Dalia Aldali I am living in USA from Gaza
I am fundraising for my mother and sister’s family in Rafah, Palestine.

We have already succeeded in helping with the generous and kind supporters to evacuate my mother, Wafaa, and my sister Sabreen with her three children, Rahaf, Juwan, and Mohammad, from Gaza and safely reaching them away from the war. However, the children are waiting for their father, Ahmed, to join them soon in Egypt once he obtains the coordination amount to leave Gaza. You can watch their farewells video on my TikTok profile.

But the next and final step I ask of you is to help me to save and evacuate the remaining members of my family, my sister Nahil and her husband Nidal, and their four children: Ahmed, a senior student in mechatronics engineering, Ayham is studying pharmacy, Yousef, who is 16 years old, and Aliya, who is 13 years old.

I hope we will all reunite very soon, with your support for me first, ensuring the safety of my family, and supporting them in creating a new life for people under war and danger now. You can see pictures of my sister Nahil's family and the details in the latest update I posted here on the website.

Our goal is to raise money for ahmed and sabreen and their 3 kids to help survive in Rafahs current conditions, and hopefully evacuate to Egypt once enough funds have been gathered.

family includes :
Ahmed Alokosh ( 44 years old)
Sabreen Alokosh (Aldali) ( 37 years old)
Rahaf Alokosh ( 14 years old)
Juwan Alokosh (12 years old)
Mohammed Alokosh (2.5 years old)
Wafaa Aldali (67 years old)
So all funds raised will go to help those named above!

I am Ahmed Alokosh and my wife is Sabreen Alokosh (Aldali), and we are parents of three children.
I have never desired to seek assistance for fleeing my homeland, a place where I have spent my entire life, through its ups and downs (GAZA) . However, the ravages of war are profoundly unbearable in a manner beyond words. Witnessing fear and terror reflected in the eyes of my children, and feeling completely helpless to shield them, is the greatest anguish a person can endure. With utmost humility, I implore your aid in facilitating the escape of my three children—Rahaf, Juwan, and young Mohammad, the beacon of joy—and my elderly mother, escaping from this catastrophic conflict. My name is Ahmed Alokosh, and alongside my wife Sabreen , we have devoted ourselves to nurturing a better life for our offspring. Diligently, we strive to provide them with the opportunities and security they deserve. Our aspirations perennially revolve around fostering their happiness and instilling in them a sense of purpose that contributes positively to society. We humbly beseech your assistance in liberating us from the clutches of war, guiding us to safety, and affording us the chance to embark on a journey towards a brighter future for ourselves and our beloved children.

انا أحمد العكش وزوجتي صابرين العكش (الدالي) والدان لثلاث أطفال
أبدًا لم يخطر ببالي أن أطلب المساعدة في الفرار من وطني، المكان الذي قضيت فيه حياتي بأكملها، من خلال جوانبه الإيجابية والسلبية (غزة). ومع ذلك، فإن أثار الحرب لا تُطاق بأي حال من الأحوال بطريقة لا يُمكن وصفها بالكلمات. رؤية الخوف والإرهاب يتجلى في عيون أطفالي، والشعور بالعجز التام عن حمايتهم، هو أعظم مأساة يمكن للإنسان أن يتحملها. بأقصى تواضع، أناشد مساعدتكم في تيسير فرار أطفالي الثلاثة - رهف وجوان والصغير محمد، شعلة الفرح - وجدتي المسنة، الهروب من هذا الصراع الكارثي. اسمي أحمد علقوش، وبجانب زوجتي صابرين، كرسنا أنفسنا لتنشئة حياة أفضل لذريتنا. نسعى بجدية لتوفير الفرص والأمان الذي يستحقونه. طموحاتنا تدور دائمًا حول تعزيز سعادتهم وغرس فيهم شعور بالغرض الذي يسهم بشكل إيجابي في المجتمع. نطلب بتواضع مساعدتكم في تحريرنا من أنياب الحرب، وتوجيهنا نحو الأمان، ومنحنا الفرصة للانطلاق في رحلة نحو مستقبل أفضل لنا ولأطفالنا الأحباء

Soy Ahmed Alokosh y mi esposa es Sabreen Alokosh (Aldali), y somos padres de tres
Nunca he deseado buscar ayuda para huir de mi tierra natal, un lugar donde he pasado toda mi vida, con sus altibajos (GAZA). Sin embargo, los estragos de la guerra son profundamente insoportables de una manera que va más allá de las palabras. Presenciar el miedo y el terror reflejados en los ojos de mis hijos, y sentirme completamente impotente para protegerlos, es la mayor angustia que una persona puede soportar. Con la mayor humildad, imploro su ayuda para facilitar la escapada de mis tres hijos, Rahaf, Juwan y el joven Mohammad, el faro de alegría, y de mi anciana madre, escapando de este conflicto catastrófico. Mi nombre es Ahmed Alokosh, y junto con mi esposa Sabreen, nos hemos dedicado a criar una vida mejor para nuestra descendencia. Nos esforzamos diligentemente por brindarles las oportunidades y la seguridad que merecen. Nuestras aspiraciones giran perpetuamente en torno a fomentar su felicidad e inculcarles un sentido de propósito que contribuya positivamente a la sociedad. Imploramos humildemente su asistencia para liberarnos de las garras de la guerra, guiarnos hacia la seguridad y brindarnos la oportunidad de emprender un viaje hacia un futuro más brillante para nosotros y nuestros queridos hijos.

Since we were blessed with our first child, we committed to making a better life for them and working hard to ensure they are happy children. But now they are living in the worst situation imaginable. Our two-and-a-half-year-old should be playing in safe play areas, eating healthy food to grow properly, and enjoying good mental health, but instead, he is constantly afraid. There is no safe or clean place to play, and there is not enough food for him to eat.

As parents, we feel constantly helpless in front of our three children. We have our two beautiful girls, Rahaf and Juwan, aged 14 and 12, and our little one, Mohammad, who is two and a half.

منذ أن باركنا الله بطفلنا الأول، التزمنا بتوفير حياة أفضل لهم وبالعمل الجاد لضمان أنهم أطفال سعداء. ولكنهم الآن يعيشون في أسوأ حالة يمكن تصورها. يجب أن يكون ابننا البالغ من العمر عامين ونصف العام يلعب في مناطق لعب آمنة، ويتناول الطعام الصحي للنمو بشكل صحيح، ويستمتع بصحة عقلية جيدة، ولكن بدلاً من ذلك، فهو يشعر بالخوف باستمرار. ليس هناك مكان آمن أو نظيف للعب، ولا يوجد ما يكفي من الطعام له ليتناوله.

كوالدين، نشعر بالعجز باستمرار أمام أطفالنا الثلاثة. لدينا ابنتان جميلتان، رهف وجوان، تبلغان من العمر 14 و 12 عامًا، وصغيرنا محمد، الذي يبلغ من العمر عامين ونصف العام.

Desde que fuimos bendecidos con nuestro primer hijo, nos comprometimos a proporcionarles una vida mejor y a trabajar arduamente para asegurarnos de que sean niños felices. Pero ahora están viviendo en la peor situación imaginable. Nuestro hijo de dos años y medio debería estar jugando en áreas de juego seguras, comiendo alimentos saludables para crecer adecuadamente y disfrutando de una buena salud mental, pero en cambio, está constantemente asustado. No hay un lugar seguro o limpio para jugar, y no hay suficiente comida para que él coma.

Como padres, nos sentimos constantemente impotentes frente a nuestros tres hijos. Tenemos a nuestras dos hermosas niñas, Rahaf y Juwan, de 14 y 12 años, y a nuestro pequeño

Our eldest daughter, Rahaf, has been trying to learn English since she was young, and we took the initiative to enroll her in a language center to strengthen her skills. She never disappointed us and has always been the best student.

طفلتنا الاولى رهف منذ صغرها وهي تحاول ان تتعلم اللغة الانجليزية ونحن بادرنا بتسجلها بمركز لتقوية لغتها ولم تخيب ظننا ابدا فكانت دائما أفضل طالبة

Nuestra hija mayor, Rahaf, ha estado intentando aprender inglés desde que era joven, y tomamos la iniciativa de inscribirla en un centro de idiomas para fortalecer sus habilidades. Nunca nos decepcionó y siempre ha sido la mejor estudiante.

As for Juwan, who is nicknamed "the house enthusiast," she has always requested to learn the violin. She would constantly watch videos, and her mother and I promised her to enroll her at the Edward Said Institute on her birthday to start learning what she wants. Unfortunately, Juwan celebrated her birthday amidst the war on December 24th.

اما جوان المسمية الكمان بالبيت فكانت دائما تطلب ان تكون ان تتعلم الطبول فكانت دائما تشاهد الفيديوهات ووعدتها انا ووالدتها بتسجيلها بمعهد ادوارد سعيد في عيد ميلادها لتبدأ بتعلم ما تريده ولكن للاسف جوان احتفلت بعيد ميلادها بالحرب 24 ديسمبر

Joanne, también conocida como la "violinista" de la casa, siempre pedía aprender a tocar la batería. Siempre veía videos y tanto su madre como yo le prometimos inscribirla en la escuela de música Edward Said en su cumpleaños para que pudiera empezar a aprender lo que quería. Pero lamentablemente, Joanne celebró su cumpleaños en medio de la guerra el 24 de diciembre.

"With all due respect, we request your assistance to cross the Egyptian borders and start a new life for ourselves and our children in peace."

بكل احترام نطلب مساعدتكم لتمكننا من عبود الحدود والبدء "
بحياة جديدة لنا ولأطفالنا للعيش بسلام "

"Con todo respeto, solicitamos su ayuda para cruzar las fronteras egipcias y comenzar una nueva vida para nosotros y nuestros hijos en paz."

why we are requesting $50,000. As Alokosh family of 5 individuals plus my mother, the total coordination cost for our evacuation from Gaza is $22,500. The remaining amount will be used to assist my sister who is also stranded in Rafah with her family, including her husband and their four kids:
Nidal Alsaid (51 years old)
Nahel Alsaid (Aldali) (41 years old)
Ahmed Alsaid (22 years old)
Ayham Alsaid (21 years old)
Yousef Alsaid (17 years old)
Aliya Alsaid (13 years old)
the total coordination cost for her evacuation from Gaza is $27,500.
$5000 per adult ( +16) and $2500 per child.

Me and my sister, along with our mother, are only seeking assistance for the evacuation expenses. We will take care of our living expenses abroad ourselves, or more accurately, we will try to manage them based on our departure from our homeland without knowing our fate abroad. My sister Naheel lacks internet access, making it extremely difficult for her to share videos with you and her children. However, I will include some photos below that I have previously taken of her and her kids from my phone.
What we truly know is that our children deserve a chance at life and survival. We chose to bring them into this world, and now we are compelled to protect them and provide a dignified life for them.

My sister’s (Naheel) family
Aliya and Juwan
Naheel, Sabreen and Dalya
My son Mohammed and my sister’s son Ahmed



  • Lilya Layachi
    • $15
    • 6 mos
  • Aila Fournier
    • $25
    • 8 mos
  • Vanessa Mercieca
    • $15
    • 8 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $25
    • 8 mos
  • Desiree Fitzpatrick
    • $10
    • 8 mos

Fundraising team: Dalia Aldali (2)

Sabreen Alokosh
Garden Grove, CA
Team member

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