Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Clarissa’s Campaign for Cambridge Hearts

In memory of our beautiful friend and fellow University of Cambridge student Clarissa Nicholls, we are hoping to raise money for ECG Heart Screening days for Cambridge Students.

Clarissa was a French and Italian student at Tit Hall, and would now be in her fourth and final year. She embodied the work hard play hard mindset. First class grades, first in the revs queue, first up the next day for her morning runs to Grantchester. Her cackle was outrageously infectious, her positivity unwavering, her singing atrocious, and her love, ambition and achievements boundless.

On her year abroad last year in Paris, Clarissa collapsed and passed away from an undiagnosed heart condition. Ultimately, had the right checks been done, she would still be with us today.

Clarissa isn’t the only student here to have passed away due to a lack of checks; 1 in 300 youths aged 14-35 suffer from an undiagnosed life-threatening cardiac condition. We want to prevent more tragedies and to give people the opportunity to test before it’s too late. Knowing of a condition early is an enabler and gives people the chance to live an adapted life.

One screening day costs £7,000 and we are hoping to raise enough money for an annual four-day screening service. We are working in cooperation with Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY), Clarissa’s family and the University. We have just reached our DAY TWO goal, and are now working towards our DAY THREE goal!

Clarissa graced the lives of so many of us at Cambridge and we would be so grateful for any support or contribution to this cause. No little is too little. Please email us for any questions or if you would like to do your own fundraising. Everyone is welcome.

Please help us love and honour Clarissa’s memory, and to prevent another young death at our University.


Jessica Reeve
Cardiac Risk in the Young

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