Memorial for our Angel
Hi everyone,
We set up this go fund me page for our beloved Angel Villatoro to assist with the funeral costs.
On Friday January 22 we found out that my cousin was taken from us.
He was 16 years old and a good kid. Angel was loving, kind, hardworking and he always showed the upmost respect towards everyone.
No matter who you were. I have no words to describe the pain and agony my aunt and my family is experiencing at this time. My aunt and uncle are hardworking and have always strived to provide the best for their 3 children. Thank you for all the love and support.
We appreciate any and every bit of help for our family. May God bless you always.
We ask you to please pray for strength in this time of need. Your prayers are very important as we know the power there is in prayer.
En Enero 22 nos avisaron que nuestro amado Angel le quitaron su vida. Tenia 16 anos y tenia un futuro brillante delante de el. Angel era un joven amable, respetuoso, y trabajaba para ayudar a sus padres. El era y es amado por muchos. Sus padres son Salvadorenos y siempre se han esforzado para darle lo mejor para sus hijos. Son padres trabajadores y luchadores.
Abrimos este Go Fund Me para ayudar con los costos del funeral.
Nosotros apreciamos todo su ayuda y apoyo en este momento tan doloroso , que no hay palabras para describir.
Por favor manden todos sus oraciones que lo necesitamos muchisimo.