Eagle Rock
Where You Come In
Unfortunately, we have been told countless times that Eagle Rock does not deserve to be out in the world, that it's not unique enough, and that it won't make an impact. I firmly disagree, and I know that many who have seen the short and been generous enough to listen when I've shared my vision feel the same way.
Filmmaking is my passion and what I tremendously feel called to do on this earth. I feel that the stories I have a burning desire to tell are ones that have the power to change people's lives, to help them, or at least challenge their perspective on the world. This story is certainly no exception. However, none of this can happen if we do not have the funds to proceed, and truly any little bit will help.
The project will have fifteen shoot days, standard for an indie film, and we hope to begin production as soon as possible. A two month period for post-production will be allowed, which will allow for a finished film by October, and a successful run on the 2022/23 festival circuit and eventual distribution on digital platforms.
While GoFundMe does not require incentives, I would be remiss if I didn't offer anything for donating. Please see below for details on our tiers.
$20 (Visitor): Shoutout on instagram (please provide your handle), name in the credits, and be the first to see the film when complete through a special download link.
$50 (Camper): All of the above, plus receive a special postcard with a handwritten note.
$200 (Passholder): All of the above PLUS get a special mystery prop from the film.
$1,000 (Patron): All of the above PLUS a special custom gift related to the film.
$10,000 (Ranger): We love you and would love to have everything PLUS have us visit on set, be credited as an executive producer, and have an extra role in the film (if you want).
$10,000 is the maximum amount that GoFundMe allows you to donate, and if you want to donate more, please feel free to reach out.
If you have any questions, please contact me to set up a direct call. If you want to go around GoFundMe, but are still interested in supporting us, I'd love to speak further.
Follow us on instagram at @eaglerockmovie for news and updates.
Thank you for you consideration, your time, and I will see you at the movies.