Eagle Scout Fundraiser: Animal Shelter Dog Beds
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Owen with Boy Scout Troop 165 in Charlotte NC. I am currently seeking funds for my Eagle Scout project. The project entails building dog beds for local animal shelters in the surrounding greater, Charlotte area. With help from my Troop, our goal is to supply a total of 75 PVC framed, mesh-covered, dog beds to 5 local animal shelters. It's a lofty goal and with your help, we can accomplish it. Donations will be used to purchase the materials from local Lowes and Home Depot stores. Our Troop intends to cut and assemble the PVC dog bed framing, and a lady from our Troop has volunteered to sew the mesh bedding. With so many beds to assemble it will take our Troop 4 weeks to accomplish this goal. In addition to purchasing the dog bed materials, your donations will also go towards transportation costs to deliver the dog beds, any necessary tools, and equipment to help with the assembly and provide the troop with much-needed refreshments during our breaks.
Any unused funds will be equally distributed to the 5 animal shelters. On behave of myself and the Boy Scouts of America we thank you in advance for any gracious donations.
Owen Rhoden
Charlotte, NC