Zagreb Earthquake Relief
Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, got a brute awakening the morning of Sunday, the 22nd of March. The capital and its surroundings got shaken up by a series of devastating earthquakes, of which the strongest was 5.4 in magnitude - the biggest earthquake in 140 years.
The situation in Zagreb is critical - the city is damaged by the earthquake, the COVID-19 outbreak, and to top it all off; cold weather with snow.
The consequences of this earthquake became immediately evident: people lost their homes, hospitals had to evacuate, babies were born on the streets and in the cars. All this in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Zagreb’s people are confused, trying to adhere to the minimum of 1.5m advised distance, while also having to stay on the streets as their houses are being checked for safety.
Croatia’s economic situation is not in great shape - a big portion of people earn only a minimum wage (around €500) and are now desperate as their walls and roofs need crucial repair.
1) How we will identify the core issues
The funds raised need to be put toward the damage caused by the earthquake. More specifically, aimed at the acute issues faced by hospitals and the people in need. Together with Zagreb's hospitals and governmental institutions, we aim at identifying core issues and donating according to the highest priority.
2) How we will distribute the raised funds
The donation method of preference is goods and/or services (e.g., construction material, hospital necessities). A receiving party can also put forward a strict execution plan for the funds. This is done to maintain full transparency to the donors of the campaign.
3) How we will share what happened with the funds
Every single euro contributed to this campaign will be traceable. Periodic updates will be sent out to donors and published on GoFundMe.
This campaign is organized by a group of friends from Zagreb, that live abroad and want to extend their privilege to those that are less privileged and in the biggest need of support. We hope for your support, and please share this message.
We are Anamarija, Anja, Dora, Jana and Sara. All five of us are Croatian citizens, born in Zagreb, but currently living and working in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. Due to COVID-19 outbreak, we are not able to physically go to Zagreb and help. Therefore, we felt it was our obligation to help by raising funds via gofundme. No compensation or fees on the donations will be taken by fundraising team.
This campaign will last one week, and will close on Sunday, the 29th of March.
You can contact us at [email redacted]
Anamarija, Anja, Dora, Jana, Sara
Zagreb je jutros, 22. ozujka, 2020., pretrpio stravican potres magnitude 5.4 po Richter-u, popracen nesto slabijim podrhtavanjima tijekom cijeloga jutra. Potres je najsnazniji do sada unazad 140 godina.
S obzirom na trenutnu pandemiju, uzrokovanu COVID-19 virusom, scene koje stizu iz Zagreba gotovo su ravne apokalipsi. Najveca ostecenja pretrpile su zagrebacke bolnice, gdje se lijece pacijenti zarazeni COVID-19, te ostali bolesnici i rodilje. Te iste rodilje su rano jutros bile primorene izletiti iz bolnice, sa novorodenom djecom u narucju sa jednom zadacom - spasiti sebi i djetetu glavu.
Samim time, zbog ljudi koji su izgubili krov nad glavom, zbog nasih devastiranih bolnica, te svih kojima je potrebna pomoc, odlucili smo pomoci financijskim sredstvima.
Sav novac od kampanje biti ce iskoristen za one najpotrebnije, kao sto su bolnice i njihova obnova, te obitelji i stanovnici kojima je financijska pomoc najpotrebnija.
Kampanju organizira grupa od pet prijateljica, kojima je Zagreb i dalje doma, a koje trenutno zive i rade u Amsterdamu. Ajmo ljudi pomoci onima kojima nasa pomoc sada stvarno treba.
Kampanja traje tjedan dana, sve do 29. Ozujka.
Anamarija, Anja, Dora, Jana i Sara