Raising money for cancer research by shaving my head.
Hiya my name is Tilly and I’m shaving my head for Cancer Research. The reason I felt compelled to do this was because of my family’s history with cancer. Both my grandparents and uncle on my mothers side sadly passed from Breast, Pancreatic and NK-cell lymphoma.
My mother was also diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2008, thankfully she was treated successfully.
However, my aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 Breast cancer on the day my grandmother died. But with the incredible advances In treatment she’s still with us 15 years later. This is why I feel it’s my duty to raise as much money as possible, so that in the future other families will never have to suffer such loss. Growing up watching my Aunty go through treatment, I always felt helpless. But now I’m older I realise that I can do this one thing to raise funds for vital research.
If you know anyone currently suffering with cancer or possibly someone who’s had cancer, please support me with as much as you can spare.
Veronica Montgomery
Cancer Research UK