East Van family victims of 11 tire slashings
Donation protected
Hi. We’ve lived in our East Van neighbourhood for over 20 years, and in our current home for 13. For the past few months, we’ve had our tires slashed on 6 separate occasions, totaling 11 tires. This person is targeting us specifically. No other vehicles on our block/blocks surrounding, only us, every time. After the 4th incident in October, we stopped parking our vehicles at home. One night, 7 weeks in, I forgot to move my car, and he slashed my tires again that very night. He has now figured out we’re parking around the neighbourhood, and is hunting out our vehicles, finding one of them last night and slashing two more tires.
Yes, we’ve reported every incident. Yes, we have cameras up (and the footage of it happening 3x), floodlights, sensor lights, signs. Icbc won’t cover any of it and I was told I should stop calling or my vehicle would be flagged as high risk and my rates upped. We paid out of pocket for the first 8 tires. We haven’t been able to replace the tire from the last incident in December. So I’ve been driving on my spare and limited to school drop offs and pick ups. Now there are two more tires to replace from my husband’s vehicle last night.
We are a small business owning family, who were absolutely knocked out at the knees from Covid. We’re nowhere near level yet, and have now had to spend thousands of dollars on tires. We keep getting all this advice that costs money (build a fence, hire a private investigator, install more cameras…) We’re just trying to sort out how to replace tires 9, 10+11; None of these other things are options for us. And we’re just so spent. So overwhelmed. Scared, angry, stuck.
Also, there’s a deranged human, with a knife, fixated on us/our property, outside our house every night. So that’s cool. If you have any media or VPD connections, we’re desperate for this to get elevated from being seen as random vandalism incidents, to being taken as seriously as it deserves. Someone is targeting us, watching us, someone who is armed. We have 4 kids. How do we get attention for this? How do we get help? How do we continue to afford this?
And no- we have no personal or business or neighbour drama. We really, really know that this is not due to some sort of beef. Please trust this. We are kind and good friends and neighbours, who are very boring (in the best sense); promise.
if you’re able to help financially, share this with media/VPD, share resources, anything…. We’d really appreciate it. We’re just lost here with nothing left to throw at this.
Thank you for your consideration.
Shannon Shannon
Vancouver, BC