Photo principale de la collecte de fonds

East Village Neighbors Community Fridge

Don protégé
We’re a group of neighbors living in the East Village area of Manhattan - roughly the East Village and Lower East Side - safely helping our neighbors and neighborhood by hosting a community fridge outside S'MAC at 12th St & 1st Avenue. We celebrated our one year anniversary in October of this year. 

We've just launched our holiday food drive - we're looking for donations to help keep the fridge stocked with healthy food and to help keep it clean and in working order. 

Our motto is "Take what you need; Leave what you can".  Volunteers from the neighborhood deliver food donations from local businesses and keep the fridge neat and tidy, and people living in our area help themselves to food that they need while others drop off food to share.

Even with all the food donations we already get, we still have a huge need for healthy food.  We estimate we're feeding upwards of 2,000 people a week from this one fridge, and we need your help. We're looking for donations to make sure the fridge is always stocked with food, especially healthy food. 

We're currently buying a shipment of fruits and vegetables once a week and would like to up it to twice or even more per week.  The food literally flies off the shelves, so any amount you could spare will go a long way to helping someone in need. 

If you live in the area, please feel free to stop by and drop off healthy food - or take what you might need. We welcome unopened, uneaten food. If your prepare food yourself, please make sure to securely wrap it and label with date and what it is.

If you're a resident of the EV neighborhood, feel free to join and check out our private Facebook page  for the latest updates on our work and important information relevant to the East Village area.  We also have an Instagram account open to anyone. You can also connect with us at [adresse courriel retirée] (dot) com or by calling [numéro de téléphone retiré].

Thank you for stepping up and helping the East Village!! Happy Holidays!!!

Thanksgiving meal sharing at the fridge 

Volunteers keeping the food pantry stocked.

The fridge.
Je contribue


  • Claas Butenschoen
    • 20 $
    • 2 ans
    • 162 $
    • 2 ans
  • Jane Roeder
    • 50 $
    • 2 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 500 $
    • 3 ans
  • Daniel Efram
    • 25 $
    • 3 ans
Je contribue

Co-organisateurs (3)

East Village Neighbors
New York, NY
East Village Neighbors
Edith Meyer
Geetanjali Jain

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