Eastlake Restaraunt Relief
The reality of our regions health disaster has brought many of the city’s hospitality industry into crisis mode, many workers, owners and landlords in the restaurant and hospitality trades are facing catastrophic economic losses all across our state. Many have been forced to close their doors.
Employees are faced with no choices but to apply for unemployment and city relief programs, unfortunately that is not enough as government programs lag and most times than not don't come through. As petitions are being passed around we are currently waiting for rent and mortgage relief but as of now we will not have access to any funds until that comes into fruition, if that happens at all. Employees who have been laid off will be searching for state health care programs as they will not be able to afford personal health insurance.
The merchants of the Hines Public Market building on Eastlake Ave are joining efforts to start a fund raiser to relieve the pressures of labor costs, rent and expenses that have acquired since the COVID-19 pandemic was made public. Owning a restaraunt in Seattle these last few years has been challenging enough, add a pandemic along with mandatory closures and quarantines for lengthy periods and you have disaster.
It is a fragile state for Seattle merchants as many of us are facing the end of our livelihoods and dreams...we do not want to close but rather weather out this storm safely in hopes to return to a healthy new season and continue serving Seattle.
About the fundraisers.
The Proios family have been a part of Seattles restaurant scene for over 40 years, 28 of those years have been at the 14 Carrot Cafe on Eastlake. If you know us, you know how dedicated we have been, donating to many charitable causes, organizing events and fighting for the communities of Eastlake and the greater Seattle area. It's a major turn of events to be on the other end of a crisis that has plagued our entire city. We will be working in efforts with the Zoo Tavern, Pazzos and the Eastlake Community to ensure funds get distributed to the employees and merchants in the most need of financial assistance. Help us stay alive and maintain our livelihoods so we can continue to be a part of Eastlake and the Seattle hospitality scene.
Lets take on COVID-19 together, any donation is fine, even a hello would work or a simple share. Together we are strong!
Your Eastlake Family