ECU Fundraiser for Freedom Centre
Join ECU in raising money for Wear It Purple Day for the third year in a row to support local LGBTIQA+ youth space Freedom Centre (FC).
What is Wear It Purple Day?
Wear It Purple was founded in 2010 in response to high rates of LGBTIQA+ youth suicide. Wear It Purple Day is commemorated every year to show young people across the globe that there is hope, people who support and accept them, and they have the right to be proud of who they are.
What is FC?
FC is space for young people (under 26) to support each other and their communities to be informed, happy and healthy about their sexuality, sex and gender.
By making a donation, you can support FC to:
- Increase community connectedness and engagement
- Reduce social isolation
- Provide relevant information about all aspects of health and wellbeing; and
- Encourage and support help-seeking
for young LGBTIQA+ people in Perth, and through state-wide projects. All donations go directly to service delivery for young people.
Please note:
FC is a centre run through WAAC. All donations will go directly to WAAC. ECU receives no financial gain from this campaign.
ECU Equity Projects
Mullaloo, WA
WAAC (WA AIDS Council Inc.)