Ed (fROMOHIO!; fIREHOSE) Crawford needs our help!
Hey everyone - My name is David Ciley, some of you know me as Sigga, and I organized this GFM campaign for Ed Crawford. Some of you know him as Ed fROMOHIO! The singer and guitarist of the band fIREHOSE. Since March, Ed has been out of work and he has been sleeping in his car since July. Though he has been, and is currently, looking for steady work, what income he is able to find has gone to sustenance and has not allowed him to save to get into an apartment or even a room of his own! He lives in Pittsburgh and winter is FAST approaching!! So here's what I am looking to do:
I am trying to get Ed $8,000 ASAP, if not more, so that he can have first and last month's rent and a security deposit on at least an efficiency apartment in or around Pittsburgh. If we can do that he is going to need to turn and keep the lights, heat and water on for a little bit while he looks for steady work! He is also going to have to buy groceries and maybe he might have a little left over after that.
The idea is to get him back on his feet in a stable environment and to buy him
enough time to lock in some solid income! Many of us know how hard it can be to just get enough saved to get indoors and maintain it! Keeping one's self fed and alive tends to come first when there is very little income.
Anybody who has ever met Ed knows what a genuinely sweet and kind guy he is.
He always has a smile at the ready and a good joke not far behind it. I had to talk him into letting me set this up because he didn't want anyone to think he's a "charity case". I simply told him that the music that he created with fIREHOSE meant a hell of a lot to a lot of people, myself included. This was the very least I could do to say thank you and show that I meant it. He had no idea people still cared about his artistic output. The gratitude he expresses towards me for just being interested in seeing if we could do something for him is immense. Let's show him that people care about him all around! Anything helps, big or small!!!
Ed sends his eternal thanks to anyone who has taken enough interest to even read this. All proceeds will be going directly to Ed and beyond setting up this page, I have NOTHING to do with anything donated to Ed Crawford.
A million thank you's!
The photo of Ed Crawford and Brother Matt Matich was provided to me by Brother Matt and is used with his permission.