Eddies WISH # SAVEALIFE Defibrillators Needed by
Donation protected
Hi, My name is Mark I'm a Watch Manager for Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service. I'm raising money With firefighters over the U.K. in memory of my Dad, Eddie, who sadly died from a heart attack ten years ago. Unfortunately, as a family, we didn't have the opportunity to say goodbye.
Had a defibrillator been available or close by during his Dad's heart attack, he may have had the chance to survive.
We are all part of GoodSAM, a responding scheme supporting the NHS. We want to Raise as much money as possible to supply Emergency Services Personnel in the UK, that are part of the GoodSAM scheme with a Defibrillator in their cars to allow immediate life support and assist with this life-saving intervention. It costs £670 + VAT for a defibrillator and pads.
It breaks My heart daily that we never got to say goodbye to Dad, and if we can help other families not go through what as a family went through, we have achieved our Wish.. #SAVEALIFE as this was something he would never have wanted.
Our initial Goal was to raise £10,000 to get ten life-saving machines out into the community.
We have smashed this through donations so now new target is £100,000 or 100 defibrillators. We have 19 out already and we have saved one life so far.
We appreciate your support.
Im in the process of turning it to a charity I’ve signed all the government papers.
Thank you all for your support.
Mark Cowling