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Edinburgh Marathon in Aid of The Cuan Centre

Donativo protegido
Hello everyone, This year I will be running the Edinburgh Marathon in aid of @cuancancersupportcavan. The Cuan Centre is a social support and wellness group that provides support services for anyone affected by cancer and their families. It is a charity run organisation that relies heavily on donations. Unfortunately, like many families, mine has been affected by cancer in so many ways. The Cuan Centre has supported my family so much over the last year and I am grateful for the work that they do. The Cuan centre provides solace during dark times whether it is counselling, free complementary therapies or activities, there is different approaches of comfort for everyone. I would gratefully appreciate if you would support me on this journey to raise as much money as possible for this special cause ! Thank you ✨ See my GoFundMe link below


Róisín Leddy

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    Tu donativo está protegido por la Garantía de donativos de GoFundMe