Chinese Orphans: Help Them Learn
Tax deductible
Hi, we're Ziyu Tan (nickname David), and Advaith Nair, high school students who recently got a chance in meeting Mr. Tadjiki, president of EChO (Education for Chinese Orphans) at the Oregon Chinese Youth Conference. David is of Chinese origin, so he felt compelled to help these children. He reached out to my good friend Advaith, who has worked with various non-profits to help raise funds for EChO.
EChO provides teachers, curriculum, needed materials, and loving support to these children who otherwise receive little attention. EChO already established three different schools in Chinese provinces; your help is needed to improve more young lives.
The goal of this campaign is to raise $1500 to support new school equipment for EChO's training center in Huainan ($600), and to sponsor Lia ($900). Each donor will receive information on how Lia is doing in her education.
This is Lia, she is three years old and diagnosed with down syndrome, and currently needs sponsoring which can be from you. There a thousands of children like her. Help children who can't help themselves, you don't have to help by donating money; spread the word, let more people know about what's going on in China.
EChO Facebook, EChO website
EChO provides teachers, curriculum, needed materials, and loving support to these children who otherwise receive little attention. EChO already established three different schools in Chinese provinces; your help is needed to improve more young lives.
The goal of this campaign is to raise $1500 to support new school equipment for EChO's training center in Huainan ($600), and to sponsor Lia ($900). Each donor will receive information on how Lia is doing in her education.
This is Lia, she is three years old and diagnosed with down syndrome, and currently needs sponsoring which can be from you. There a thousands of children like her. Help children who can't help themselves, you don't have to help by donating money; spread the word, let more people know about what's going on in China.

David Tan
Oregon, OR
Education for Chinese Orphans (Echo)