Nashita's Fundraiser for SunChild Home Children
Tax deductible
Hello! My name is Nashita Zahin. I am a Youth Leader at Distressed Children and Infants International (DCI). DCI is a non-profit organization that supports underprivileged children in Bangladesh and other countries in the world. DCI’s mission is to protect children's rights, stop child labor, and help families lift themselves out of poverty through education, healthcare, vision care, and income-generating opportunities so that those impoverished children can have a secure and prosperous life. DCI's mission enables today's youth like me to make a difference. Through my work as a Youth Leader for DCI, I teach and mentor eight elementary school-age children English Language on Zoom every Sunday. These girls are so excited to learn about the world that they often request me to include Einstein, Monalisa, and the Great Pyramids in my English Language units! These girls are the shining lights in my life! Due to the recent pandemic, the world economy is suffering, and so is DCI. Therefore, they need your assistance now more than ever! Unlike other non-profit organizations, DCI ensures that all the children at the SunChild Home Orphanage get proper access to education, healthcare, and the essentials they need to survive. Imagine how only $15 per month can help provide a child with those necessities! Let's work together to make a difference! Thank you in advance for your support of DCI's SunChild Home Children!
Nashita Zahin
Katy, TX
Distressed Children International (DCI) Inc.