Ehlders Danlos Syndrome and Bills Stacking Up
Donation protected
Hi, my name is David Moore from Knoxville, Tennessee and I'm now in a pretty desperate situation. I appreciate you giving me a moment of your time. I was released from prison last year which stemmed from a long and brutal opioid addiction that nearly took my life. Every day I wake up thankful that I am now almost 8 and a half years clean. But now I have a new battle to fight.
I was diagnosed with Classical Ehler's Danlos Syndrome - a rare degenerative connective tissue disease that affects collagen proteins all across the body. For a time it was mostly manageable; I had some dislocations, severe arthritis in my feet and ankles, three inguinal hernia surgeries and of course the pain, fatigue and anxiety that goes hand in hand with this disorder, but over the last year the decline has intensified from life-altering into potential life-threatening (though indirectly).
I was working a remote career for a small company doing basic web programming and market research starting shortly after I was released to home confinement in May of last year. It paid a $40,000/yr salary which was enough to get a one-bedroom apartment and start rebuilding my life. Unfortunately, health insurance wasn't included. Life was going decently but as the end of the year approached my health was noticeably getting worse. My skin would hurt and severely bruise (see photos), my joints and bones hurt constantly, I developed vasculitis in my right foot, I started to have severe bouts of food-poison-like gastrointestinal issues, and worst of all my brain felt like it had been downgraded to slow mode while someone was digging their hands into the base of my skull. I was having difficulty remembering simple things. I'd make wrong turns when driving, forget peoples name's, and generally struggle with cognitive tasks that I took for granted all my life. My blood pressure managed to clock in at the 180s/120s range often and when December finally arrived I had my first hospitalization (uninsured).
[The left selfie on the main image was me around March/April 2022- the right was December 2022]
On January 1st I was able to purchase Obamacare and that has helped with most of the doctor's visits, specialists, and prescriptions but it only pays 1/3 of emergency room/hospitalization. On May 6th I was hospitalized again this time for dysautonomia and possible occipital neuralgia. By this point, things had begun to get bad. I was struggling to keep food down or to sleep, walk, or drive. I even had difficulty with basic tasks like showering or cleaning the cat's litter box. I was stuck on a several-month-long waitlist for both the neurologist and connective tissue doctor (Rheumatologist). I was still managing to get by but that all changed just a few weeks later I got the terrible news that solidified my desperate situation. The small company I worked for had to lay me off. As of June 1st, I became unemployed.
I had very little savings and my rent/utilities alone were about 60% of my monthly earnings. I immediately signed up for government benefits but unemployment didn't start coming in until July. Right now I am behind $1570 on rent, with another rent check due by August 5th. I've currently been doing gig work and applying to every remote job I am qualified for but with a huge gap on my resume in employment history plus the non-violent drug felony, I'm worried about how long it may take. Physically I'm limited to working from home or short bursts of DoorDashing.
This GoFundMe campaign is a prayer for some relief. I am fighting to keep my newly rebuilt life intact but I don't think I can catch up on my own. I have two more doctor visits this month including the Neurologist I've waited so long to see. Most of my bills come due the first week of the month and I am already behind on July's. As long as I keep a roof over my head, an internet connection, and insurance I can remain in this fight.
I appreciate you so much for at least taking the time to read this. I know things are extremely hard for a lot of people right now and even if you aren't able to contribute financially I wholeheartedly appreciate any prayers, positive support, or sharing of this. I wish you all health and love.
~David M


David Moore
Knoxville, TN