CityofWarren Crowdfunding2014
The weather is already turning colder and so many are still without furnances, hot water tanks, etc.
The Warren City Council, Warren, Michigan, County of Macomb has created this tax deductible page to raise funds for qualified senior citizens and disabled residents of Warren, Michigan that were victims of the August 11, 2014 flood.
Please help a neighbor in need by making a donation TODAY! Every amount helps and we are racing against mother nature. Help a senior citizen or disabled person remain in the comfort of their own home by providing a donation that will purchase a new furnace, a new hot water heater, or other core items required before winter.
Guidelines for assistance qualifications are being developed but will include:
1. Seniors that are 65 years of age or older.
2. Individuals that are totally and permenantly disabled.
3. Individuals meeting the low income guidelines.
4. Date of receipt of application for assistance.
A minimum $25.00 individual donation delivered directly to either of the following listed locations will recieve a t-shirt.
Donation's can be delivered directly to:
Warren City Council Office located at:
5460 Arden Suite 505, Warren, MI 48092
or City of Warren Treasurer's Office located within City Hall at:
1 City Square, Second Floor, Warren, MI 48093
Please make checks payable to City of Warren
and memo MUST READ: Crowdfunding 2014.
Those that donate $500.00 or more will be listed as supporters of this effort in a local Newspaper at the end of the fundraising campaign.
The City of Warren thanks you in advance for your compassion and generosity!
Donate/Challenge Friends/Encourage Businesses-Help a Neighbor!
AUTHORIZATION: This page has been created and administered by Mary M. Kamp-Roy, Deputy Council Secretary for the Warren City Council at the direction of the Warren City Council by resolution effective September 12, 2014.