Taiwan Can Help (WHO campaign)
(Please scroll down for English version)
我們是一群旅居澳洲的台裔醫生,我們希望把這個訊息傳給世界。2019年的12月底,當台灣政府率先掌握到在中國武漢有一些非典型的肺炎病例時、他們馬上通報世界衛生組織(WHO)。可惜的是,WHO無視台灣的訊息,導致全世界失去寶貴的時間以及關鍵的資訊來對應這個即將發生的全球公共健康危機。從那時起,台灣變成了世上對抗武漢肺炎疫情的領導者。台灣提供了數百萬的醫療口罩給全球各地的醫療界,並且跟數個國家密切合作,開發快速測試、治療方法、以及疫苗研究。但無論台灣釋出多少善意及努力,中國共產黨的獨裁作風及ㄧ昧的政治操控、使台灣無法有意義的參加WHO或取到成員資格。也正是這種不科學、官僚作風的國際政治,使得本來是中國武漢本地的流行病變成了一個威脅全人類健康的流行傳染病。在這個新的武漢肺炎世界,我們的生活不能像以往一切如常。台灣被排除在WHO之外,不只是台灣兩千三百萬人的損害,更是一個對全球公共健康的威脅。病毒沒有國界,身為命運共同體,全世界現在更要攜手合作ㄧ起對抗這個傳染病。所以我們希望得到您的金援,在第73屆的WHA(5/17-5/21)開會之前的周末,也就是5月16日及17日兩天,在雪梨及坎培拉兩個城市會有專業的空中文字公司,以空中文字的方法來告訴世界”Taiwan Can Help”,支持台灣參與WHO以及取得成員資格,為世界公共健康一起努力。
這次的計畫費用為: 雪梨 (澳幣$3,900+ 10% 商品及服務稅);坎培拉 (澳幣$ 4,890+ 10% 商品及服務稅); 共計澳幣$9,768。
如有任何疑問請電郵至[email redacted] 給林占峰醫師 (坎培拉台灣同鄉會前會長) 或顏醫師。
At the end of December 2019, when the Taiwanese government first learned about a number of atypical pneumonia cases spreading in Wuhan, China, they immediately reached out to the World Health Organization (WHO). Unfortunately, Taiwan’s message appeared to be ignored by the WHO, losing the world precious time and critical information to address the emerging global public health crisis.
Since then, Taiwan has emerged as a leader in the global effort against the COVID-19 pandemic. Taiwan has provided millions of medical masks to support the medical professional community around the world, and has been working closely with a number of countries to develop rapid tests, treatments, and vaccines for COVID-19. Yet despite Taiwan’s goodwill, the authoritarian practices and petty politics perpetuated by the Chinese Communist Party regime continue to exclude Taiwan from meaningful participation and membership in the WHO. It is precisely the unscientific, bureaucratic processes of international politics that have allowed a localised epidemic in Wuhan, China to become a true pandemic, threatening the well-being of our shared humanity.
In this new COVID-19 pandemic world, we simply cannot continue the business as usual practices of the recent past. Taiwan’s exclusion from WHO is not only a disservice to the twenty-three million people of Taiwan, but also a threat to global public health. Viruses know no boundaries, and it is even more important than ever for the world to prioritise health over politics and to include Taiwan and its expertise so that we can truly fight this pandemic together. This won't happen unless we raise our voices and collectively put pressure on the WHO. Therefore we would like your support to fund skywriting in Canberra (the capital of Australia) and Sydney (Australia’s largest city) to tell Australia that “Taiwan Can Help.” With your support we can advocate for Taiwan’s participation and membership in the WHO.
More details:
We are a group of Australian-Taiwanese medical professionals working in the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have reached out to a professional skywriting company to seek their services to write the message “Taiwan Can Help” for the weekend of 16th-17th May to appear in the sky of Sydney and Canberra. This is the weekend before the beginning of the 73rd World Health Assembly scheduled for 17th-21st May.
The cost for this project is AUD $3990 +10% GST for Sydney and AUD $4,890+ 10% GST for Canberra; for a total of AUD $9,768.
For any queries about this project, please contact Dr. Chan-Feng Lin (former President of the Taiwanese Association of Canberra) or Dr. Yen via email to: [email redacted].