Electrical fire took our home
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We're a family of seven and we just lost our home to a electrical fire this past weekend. Everyone is okay, the kids weren't even in the house at the time just my husband and I. The fan in the kids bathroom shorted out and caused the fire to start. Between the two of us, his mom, two amazing police officers, and the fire Department we were able to contain it to the back half of the trailer. The boys rooms and the bathroom are a complete loss, the hallway and living room have severe water damage, and the kitchen floor has some water damage. Our room and the girls room weren't damaged at all, and we were able to salvage everything but the boys beds, tvs, and some toys are gone. We were able to save some of their clothes thank goodness. We're staying with his mom while we totally gut everything, redo the wiring, and rebuild our trailer, that's what we need help with. I have some health issues that hinder me to work or be on my feet to long. I have ehlers danlos syndrome (type 3 and 4) and POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) which are the ones that effect me the most on a daily basis. We need about 15,000 to get started but we're unsure of the total price. Anything helps and we're very appreciative, God bless
Brandi Miller
North Zulch, TX