Eli and Autism Awareness
Donation protected
I’m very excited to have the opportunity to race in the ironman world championships in Hawaii again. Over the years, I was able to use this platform to raise money for a few different organizations. However, this year I would like to do something a little different and address something that is much more personal and dear to our hearts. As some of you know, our son Eli was diagnosed with Autism last year. While we were devastated at first, we have come so far and learned so much. We were able to get him into an amazing ABA program as well as occupational therapy, speech therapy, nutritional therapy, naturopathic treatment and most recently have begun seeing an Immunologist. It took a lot of work to put Eli’s team together but we could not be more thankful for the dramatic progress he has made. We have started to become very active in the world of autism and have begun to find our voice and area in which we can be used for advocacy. Instead of raising money for a charity, we would like to raise money for our own autism community and give back to the organizations and therapist who work specifically with Eli. We are asking for your help to raise awareness and give back to children with autism and their families. I will swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26.2 miles for Eli and all other children and families on this Autism journey!
Colin Cook
Brookline, NH