Elieson family medical expenses
Donation protected
I am Lauralyn, and my best friend, Siouxsie Elieson, was hospitalized on January 7 with a massive infection that caused many small strokes in her brain.
Those who know and love Siouxsie, know that she really gives of herself. Many nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends have been on the receiving end of Siouxsie's endless craft projects, and those kids have loved having special handmade toys and blankets. Grown ups always love feeling that if they know Siouxsie, they also know everyone else she knows. She is the connection between many friends and family who would have lost track of each other without her. Personally, I have to say that Siouxsie has been there for me through some of the absolutely hardest times of my life--with practical help or rides or food; with emotional support; even with medicine at times. I cannot imagine my life without her, and it's my deepest prayer right now that her recovery will allow her to be the same Siouxsie we know and love.
Currently, Siouxsie is being treated for the infection which requires antibiotics and may also include surgery on her hip where the infection may have reached the bone and eventual heart surgery as they have found a mass on one of her valves. Meanwhile, until the infection clears up, there's no way to know how much the strokes have affected her brain. As she will be in the hospital for an unknown amount of time with additional treatments and home health care needed down the road, medical expenses are adding up fast. Her husband and daughter could use a little extra help, so if you have the means and desire to contribute, that would be awesome. Either way, your love, prayers, healing thoughts, and messages are the best gift to them.
You can donate here at GoFund Me or if you prefer to send something directly to Rob (Siouxsie's husband), you can Venmo him at @Robert-Elieson You should see his picture there to confirm you have the right account.
Thank you so much to everyone who has offered up their support and prayers. I truly believe Siouxsie feels that love flowing in her direction!
Lauralyn Aaron
Anna, TX