Elisa Soto medical expenses
Donation protected
11/29/23 Update. I talked to Felipe and the MRI came back with no changes. They think eating regular food caused the seizure because she is getting more nutrition. I spoke with Elisa on the phone yesterday. I told her who I was. She seems to remember me but I don't think she thought it was me. Her memory is a jumbled. Physical therapy is working with her and she was able to take a few steps but with a lot of assistance. She is eating. Felipe continues to be by her side day and night and had not returned to queen to be with her. Please donate if you can to help him with bills. Please continue to share and pray. Thank you all.
11/27/24 UPDATE. I talked to Belle tonight. Elisa had a seizure. They had to sedate her again. The plan to do an MRI to see what caused the seizure. Belle will update me tomorrow. Felipe is still off of work to be by Elisa 's side day and night. If he needs to go home and shower and what not he finds someone to come sit with her. Belle lost her job the first week she was there. She had been communicating with her supervisor and was understanding everything was taken care of. She needed to call HR due to not having access to something and they informed her she had been terminated. Please pray, share and donate for the family in this time. This had Ben a roller-coaster of ups and downs.
11/23/24. Update. I Faced Time Elisa yesterday. I told her I was her cousin Jessica. She said Jessica I love her. She then said Jesse, she is the only one allowed to call me that. I don't think she recognized me. Felipe continues to be by her side day and night. He has not returned to work. Please continue to pray, share and donate. Felipe and Belle are grateful she everyone.
Update 11/17/23. I talked with Elisa's mom and daughter Belle. Elisa is making more progress. She is nowhere near 100%. I have always known Elisa is fight, but is definitely doing things in my wildest dreams would never happen. When I left the hospital a couple weeks ago I said my goodbyes as the Dr's were 99.9% she wasn't going to make it. She has had little steps of improvement. She will sing songs. She has corrected a nurse on how to say her name. With a fiesty attitude the nurse said. Can nod yes and no. Not sure if she recognizes Belle or if saying her name is something she can't do. She looks at pictures of her grand babies and calls them her uncles. My opinion is she does know them but words may not be clicking together. She will stay in the hospital on palletive care and start speech therapy. She drank apple juice, 4oz, and a cup of applesauce. Definitely a 180 from when I left. Keep the prayers coming. Funds have been distributed to Belle and Felipe. Only time will tell where Elisa goes from there.
11/14/23 Update. As of now it could be a little while till Elisa is placed somewhere for Hospice. The palletive care came in yesterday. Any movement Elisa has made is a natural reaction and involuntary. She is not in any b control of her movements and it only happens when the sedation stays to wear off. So they are trying to keep her up on her medication.
11/12/23 Up from Belle. So she is not responding like Felipe said. Belle had them take her off oxygen and tomorrow she is going into hospice care tomorrow. This is definitely a hard on the family because some have a lot hope but we also have to except the reality. Thank you for all the prayers and donations.
11/12/33 Update. I talked to Elisa fiance Felipe this morning. This definitely has been an up roller-coaster. He said that they moved Elisa to a new room. He said she has started to improve at this time. He said she is moving her legs and arms. Starting to follow commands again. She is on no oxygen and oxygen levels are holding between 83 and 92. I know Elisa is a fighter. I definitely have more hope but with the constant changes with only time will tell. So right now any in asking for donations while the family is off work so they can be by her side.
11/10/23 Update. Thus had been a roller-coaster of emotions for the family and I. Elisa had a slight change. Due to this change she will 0not be eligible to due to this change. To be a donor you need to pass with in a certain tone frame once taken of the vent. With this change she may not pass with in the time frame needed. So the decision has been made to remove the vent at 2pm today.
11/7/23 Update. As of now Elisa is going to stay on the ventilator as she is an organ donor. It could take up to a week till the need comes. The process for organ donation is hard to really explain. So I'm not going into it. At this time it now end of life expenses. I want tu thank everyone for the prayers and donations. Please keep the family in your prayers.
11/7/23 Update. Quality of life is being discussed at this point. Please pray for the family during this difficult time.
11/6/23. Elisa was only able to be off the ventilator for a 3 hours til she needed to put back on. They are running some tests tomorrow in the morning. Depending on the test there may have to be a discussion of quality of life. Right now the Dr said it does not look good.
11/5/23 Update. I'm no longer on Omaha but family has said she is having more activity as they ween her off sedation. She is getting more anxious. Still need more answers but at this time those answers will come from her. Please continue to pray and send healing energy. Let her feel ask the people that are behind her.
11/4/23 Update. Not a lot of changes. They have her on quite a bit of sedation so not opening her eyes as much. They were able to get the MRI done. Just waiting for the neurologist to come in.
11/2/23 Update. The afternoon was not extremely eventful. They were having a hard time getting an accurate blood pressure, so they had add a line to her artery. Her blood pressure is stable right now. They have been able to ween her off of one blood pressure medication and trying to ween her off of the other one. They need to get her as stable has she can so she can be unhooked for the MRI. As of right now it is scheduled for tomorrow. She has stopped following commands and not squeezing hands. She was on a more heavy sedation today and at weening hey of that as well. Pray for better news tomorrow.
11/2/23 Update. Elisa went into cardiac arrest one more time yesterday. The Dr's think they fixed the issue. I also forgot to mention she does have brain bleed. Today we had some good news. The cardiologist thinks her heart issue was caused by physical and emotional distress based on the ultra sound they did yesterday. Which he said can be reversible. The nurse came in and asked Elisa to squeeze her hands. Elisa eyes were open. The nurse asked her to wiggle her toes. She didn't but nodded her head yes. She also tried to lift her head up. So good news but not out of the yet.
Update, Elisa went in to cardiac arrest again for 8 min. Please continue to pray!
Hi, mine name is Jessica and setting up this account for my cousin Elisa, 44 yrs old. Elisa went in to cardiac arrest and went without oxygen for 1 1/2 hours till she got a pulse. She is currently in ICU on a ventilator. Her fiance Felipe and daughter will not know how much damage there is till they do an MRI on Thursday or Friday. Her fiance is not working to be by her side. I am asking for help for any medical, monthly bills, anything else that comes up. This is a very difficult time for the whole family. Elisa has a kind soul. She cares deeply about people she loved. She would give her last $5 if someone needed it. She was a lot like my mom. Felipe is the love of her life and he took great care of her. Now I'm asking we help take care of him and her in this difficult time. Please send all the prayers. Donate or share anything will help.
Jessica Britton
Grand Island, NE