Elizabeth's Brand New Life after beating cirrhosis
My name is Elizabeth and I have been a severe alcoholic for about 30 years. I almost lost my life due to the what is supposed to be the incurable disease of cirrhosis of the liver. I came to Hawaii 3 years ago and have been homeless living in a van and drinking my life away till 7 months ago when I came into the hospital not being able to walk, barely moving, not being able to use the rest room. Not only did I have cirrhosis but pneumonia also I have just been diagnosed physically ready to enter the community again. I was taught how to walk, and so forth again. My belly was draining 7-8 liters of fluid every week and they said that id be doing that forever. Well by the grace of GOD, and some nutrition education, I am now cirhhosis free, I am the miracle girl that god saved!!! I do believe he kept me here to begin a new life and relationship with my daughter back on the mainland. Oh, my daughter would love that so much. I have a chance to be there a mother again and now a grandmother, a grandmother that my grandkids will love and not ever see passed out drunk all the time. I swear those days are over, alcohol is so gross! My daughter and I had it pretty rocky over the years and we need a chance!!
I wasted all of my life for the love of the bottle and now I would love to spend the rest of my days making it up to that beautiful girl of mine and her 2 beautiful kids, my grandkids, lol...I'm still young enough to make things right. I also have a son who is struggling now too with alcoholism that I need to help back there, he has his own family now too and I dont want him to end up like me.
So pretty please, have a heart and help my family grow back together and have a fresh start...
WE WOULD ALL BE SO GRATEFUL FOR ANY HELP and will use it wisely for me to assume housing, work on license that I havent had for 14 years, clothing, etc. GOD BLESS!!!!