Elizabeth's Healing Heart Fund
Update: 1/9/2020
It is with a heavy heart we share that Elizabeth went home to be with Jesus on Sunday. Her wait is over and she is now dancing on streets of gold. Any donations that are made to this fund will now go to help her husband Dustin and their family cover the cost of her service and any remaining hospital bills.
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As many of you already know Elizabeth Sammons is waiting in the hospital for her second heart transplant (and a kidney). Although they are praying for a quick transplant the truth is Elizabeth could wait months for a donor match. Also the recovery road is long. Elizabeth will be required to live in Rochester for three months following her transplant so that she will be close to her doctors and care team.
As you can imagine there are many expenses involved in this journey that insurance does not cover. Any gift big or small will help them to spend less time worrying about bills and more time focussing on Elizabeth’s health. God Bless.