Elmer's Fund
This is a page dedicated to fundraising for our friend Elmer, who is a homeless man who lives in our community. Elmer is 73 years old. In his early life, he was a Longshoreman working Maryland. There are many among us who want to help Elmer have some quality of life in his golden years. He has physical and emotional disabilities and limitations that cause him pain and make it difficult for him to care for himself. We found a six month program called A New Beginning in St. Petersburg, FL. We took Elmer there on Tuesday afternoon, just before the Tropical Storm/Hurricane was about to come through our area. He has settled in and the daily reports are that he is doing well. This program costs $600 per month and provides clothing, toiletries, a bed, two meals a day and counseling. This fundraiser is for the purpose of paying for Elmer's next 5 months at the facility. If you want to give, we thank you. If not, that is also fine! No amount is too little. Thank you!